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Skid Steer Loaders

Product Range

A compact approach to workspace freedom n Get into tight corners
Restricted in your movements? Tight spaces,
passageways, construction sites, inside buildings 
Bobcat compact skid-steer loaders give you the workspace freedom and power you need, anywhere,

n Less is more
Small size has another great benefit when moving machines between sites. It s quick and easy to get the loaders onto a trailer for transport, giving you the benefit of handling multiple tasks at multiple sites in a single day!

n Steering clear of obstacles
Manoeuvre around obstacles with ease. Our rigidchassis loaders deliver four-wheel drive power across two independent, variable transmissions. This gives you counter-rotational steering and allows you to turn in a very tight, complete circle.

n Manoeuvrability means more...
...productivity. Our skid-steer loaders  compact and manoeuvrable design lets you get more work done in less time.
...efficiency. In every design aspect we make our loaders easier and quicker to use. Like, for instance, changing attachments. It s all geared to increase efficiency on your worksite.

...rapid cycle times. Fast raising, dumping and lowering loads times, so operators can focus on the work at hand.




Rated operating capacity (ISO 14397-1)



Dans la boutique

E55W Brochure - Bobcat EMEA
E55W Brochure - Bobcat EMEA
09/12/2014 -
E55W Compact Excavators E55W 1920 mm dozer blade 2000 mm dipperstick Boom load holding valve Dozer blade safety valve Fully adjustable air conditioning Adjustable suspension seat with high back and lumbar support Consoles with forwards/backwards adjustable displacement Steering column with adjustable angle Second auxiliary hydraulic line (Rotation piping) Fingertip auxiliary hydraulic controls Control console locks Hydraulic joystick controls Two-speed travel Storage compartment Horn Work and...

Specificaties MT55 minirupslader
Specificaties MT55 minirupslader
01/12/2010 -
MT55 | Compacte laders MT55 | Technische specificaties Nominaal bedrijfsvermogen (ISO 5998) Kiplast (ISO 8313) Pompvermogen Systeemontlasting bij snelkoppelingen Rijsnelheid, achteruit Rijsnelheid, vooruit Afmetingen 254 kg 732 kg 45.40 L/min 200.00 bar 2.3 km/h 5.6 km/h R M O C K E Motor Merk / Model Brandstof Koeling Vermogen bij 3600 tpm Koppel bij 2600 tpm (ISO 9249) Aantal cilinders Cilinderinhoud Brandstoftank Kubota / D902-E3B Diesel Vloeistof 17.5 kW 54.2 Nm 3 0.90 L 26.50 L Gewicht Bedrijfsgewicht Transportgewicht ...

S205 Skid Steer Loader Specifications
S205 Skid Steer Loader Specifications
01/12/2010 -
S205 | Compact Loaders S205 | Specifications Machine Rating Rated operating capacity (Bobcat) Tipping load Pump capacity Pump capacity (with high flow option) System relief at quick couplers Max. travel speed (high range - option) Max. travel speed (low range) 1009 kg 2019 kg 64.00 L/min 100.00 L/min 22.4-23.1 MPa 18.0 km/h 11.6 km/h Kubota / V2607-DI-TE3B-BC-I Diesel Liquid 49.2 kW 218.0 Nm 4 2600 cm3 90.80 L 3023 kg 2658 kg Direction and speed controlled by two hand levers Separate foot pedals,...

Wisker Push Broom Attachment Specifications
Wisker Push Broom Attachment Specifications
01/12/2010 -
Whisker push brooms | Attachments Whisker push brooms | Specifications Main Features " " " " " " Applications Two sizes to choose from, a 183 cm and a 229 cm model Mounting arms to quick-tach to general purpose, low profile and construction/industrial buckets. Sweeps any material, wet OR dry, forwards OR backwards Effectively cleans along curbs and other tight areas 20-30 times faster than hand sweeping. Ideal for construction and municipality jobs Item number 6728236 6728241 Whisker...

Grup Soler_07-10.indd
Grup Soler_07-10.indd
14/02/2012 -
Job story  Bobcat Grup Soler et Bobcat révolutionnent la prévention des incendies de forêt Grup Soler est un groupe à forte croissance qui propose des services intégrés dans les secteurs du bâtiment, des installations et de la maintenance par l intermédiaire de quatre sociétés. De Eva Carrillo La société a été fondée en 1953 par Isidro Soler i Fosas pour travailler sur des projets d installation électrique. En 1988, son petit-fils et successeur, Jordi Soler i Paredes, a...

Flail Cutter Attachment -
Flail Cutter Attachment -
09/12/2014 -
Trinciatutto a martelli | Accessori Trinciatutto a martelli | Caratteristiche tecniche Applicazioni " Il motore con cilindrata a regime variabile consente al correggiato di sintonizzarsi alla capacità idraulica della macchina in uso. Grazie alla variazione di cilindrata del motore in base a flussi idraulici ausiliari compresi tra 64 e 140 l/min, il correggiato può essere utilizzato su molti veicoli diversi. " La tiranteria di flottazione, inclusa nella dotazione standard del correggiato,...

Chargeuse compacte S130 Caractéristiques techniques
Chargeuse compacte S130 Caractéristiques techniques
01/12/2010 -
S130 | Chargeuses compactes S130 | Caractéristiques techniques Performances Capacité de charge nominale (Bobcat) Capacité de basculement Débit de la pompe System relief at quick couplers Vitesse de déplacement max. 590 kg 1195 kg 64.00 L/min 22.4-23.1 MPa 11.8 km/h Kubota / V2203-M-DI-E2B-BC-3 Diesel Liquide 34.3 kW 150.0 Nm 4 2194 cm3 50.30 L 2465 kg 2128 kg Direction et vitesse commandées par deux leviers Pédales séparées, ou commandes ACS (Advanced Control System) ou commandes aux...

Descargar artículo completo -
Descargar artículo completo -
09/12/2014 -
Job story  Bobcat Minicargadora de orugas Bobcat: solución perfecta para fabricante de papel. Grupo Gares es una mediana empresa que presta sus servicios en la provincia de Jaén y está especializada en el mantenimiento y la limpieza de superficies industriales, para este fin siempre busca herramientas polivalentes, versátiles y rentables. Por Eva Carrillo Hace 30 años que son clientes de GGM Guillermo García, distribuidor Bobcat de la zona Sur, y no dudaron en pedirles consejo antes...

09/04/2011 -
filtering protecting supporting catalysing decorating strengthening embellishing sieving filtering operating ventilating reinforcing separating supporting making safe Micromesh GB The METAL DEPLOYE company is a quality supplier for numerous industries. To fulfill the specific requirements of each customer, the METAL DEPLOYE team, offers its rich experience and technical expertise and one of the largest production ranges in the world for expanded metal products. METAL DEPLOYE has been certified...

Fr France Aldes Easyvec Compact Micro Watt 3000 Ip Ihm Isole 11034019
Fr France Aldes Easyvec Compact Micro Watt 3000 Ip Ihm Isole 11034019
13/07/2024 -
1 EASYVEC® COMPACT Caissons d'extraction non classés au feu Caisson de ventilation 11034019 EasyVEC® Compact MICRO-WATT + 3000 IP IHM Isolé La gamme de caissons simple-flux la mieux pensée du marché afin de rendre la ventilation performante, sereine et facile . EasyVEC® Compact Micro-watt + EasyVEC-Compact-MWPlus EasyVEC-Compact-MWPlus PLUS PRODUIT RÉGLEMENTATIONS & CONFORMITÉ(S) " gamme large de 300 à 3 000 m3/h, " hauteur compact, " 100% recyclable. N° d'avis technique:...

16/02/2025 -
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

Atena Company WebEdition
Atena Company WebEdition
09/04/2011 -
COMPANY PROFILE A t e n a COMPANY PROFILE -3- AT E N A T E C N I C A E C R E AT I V I TÀ AT E N A C R E AT I V I T Y A N D K N O W - H O W -4- v i s i o n ATENA V ision -5- Promuovere l impiego di controsoffitti e rivestimenti metallici in ogni tipologia di ambiente, attraverso la progettazione e realizzazione di sistemi facili da installare, sicuri e durevoli nel tempo, che si distinguono per la massima personalizzazione,

Fiches fonction Tébis - Hager
Fiches fonction Tébis - Hager
09/02/2012 -
Fiches fonction Tébis Scénarios 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Scénario d'éclairage variable............................................................................................................................. 2 Scénario volets entr'ouverts............................................................................................................................... 3 Scénario multi-applications ...................................................................................................................................

28/09/2024 -
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF