S150 Skid Steer Loader Specifications

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

S150 | Compact Loaders

S150 | Specifications
Rated operating capacity (Bobcat)
Tipping load
Pump capacity
System relief at quick couplers
Max. travel speed (high range - option)
Max. travel speed (low range)

703 kg
1407 kg
64.00 L/min
22.4-23.1 MPa
17.9 km/h
11.8 km/h


Make / Model
Torque at 1700 RPM (SAE J1995 gross)
Number of cylinders
Fuel tank

Kubota / V2203-M-DI-E2B-BC-3
34.3 kW
150.0 Nm
2194 cm3
90.80 L

Operating weight
Shipping weight

2632 kg

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