S70 Skid Steer Loader Brochure

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Compact Loaders

Powerful things come in small packages

n The size is small  the advantages aren t
In Bobcat s range of compact loaders, the S70 stands out because of its size  it s the smallest of the small!
But it s the ûexibility, convenience and overall usefulness of the S70 that make it really unique.
With important advantages that make the machine safer, more durable and more comfortable, you can work on the most cramped and confined worksites,
and under low ceilings.

n A lasting impression
Your Bobcat S70 has been built to last, with some of the great advantages from our larger loaders:
" Reinforced lift arms
" Extra strong oûset rims and wheel studs
" A new hydrostatic pump centering system replaces torsion springs with tension springs for reduced maintenance and increased uptime
" An automatic belt tensioner with robust components and a simple design.

n Performing wonders
You ll enjoy the superior performance of the S70, with its 22.5 hp engine powering a fully hydrostatic, 4-wheel drive system. It can travel up to 10 km/h, but it s so easy to transport you can just load it on a trailer and go.
Plus, the hydraulic ûow and pump capacity make it a model of eûciency.

n Perfect comfort for a productive day s work
The S70 oûers you lots of comfort features, for a smoother ride, greater safety and less machine wear:
" The new pump mount casting and engine mount isolators reduce the vibration levels
" Excellent side and front visibility from the cabin
" Custom-developed headlights light up the work area
" Easy-to-use instrument panel to stay informed at all times
" Optional cabin heating and heavy duty tyres that increase traction.

Easy transport and service n A mini-powerhouse
With its ultra-compact dimensions:

Dans la boutique

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