Landplane | Attachments -

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Landplane | Attachments

Landplane | Specifications
Main features


Allows controlled grading and leveling in both forward and reverse directions
Can be used like a bucket to transport material on site
Peels and removes sod
Scarifier breaks up hard ground
Sorts unwanted debris from soil
Pulverizes soil clods
Aerates soil for seeding and sodding
Bi-directional operation
Item number

48 inch (122 cm) Deluxe Landplane
78 inch (198 cm) Deluxe Landplane

" Landscaping

Compatible with loader
MT55, S70, S100, T110
S130, S150, S160, S175, S185, S205, S220, S250, S300,
S330, S630, S650, S770, A300, A770, T190, T250, T300,
T650, T770

Compatible with telescopic

Weights and dimensions
48 inch (122 cm) Deluxe Landplane
78 inch (198 cm) Deluxe Landplane

Operating weight (kg)

Shipping weight (kg)

Dans la boutique

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