Angle broom | Attachments

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Angle broom | Attachments

Angle broom | Specifications
Standard features


Sweep flush to a curb or wall on right side
Adjust the broom angle with fingertip controls on a cab-mounted attachment control kit (sold separately)
48-inch broom has 3-position manual angle
High-torque motor for heavy material
Proven, replaceable wafer bristles
Storage stands eliminate bristle distortion when not in use.
Polypropylene bristle material for long life.

Angle broom 48 inch / 122 cm
Angle broom 68 inch / 173 cm

Item number

Angle broom 84 inch / 213 cm


" Municipal jobs
" Construction

Compatible with loader
MT55, S70
S100, S130, S150, S160, S175, S185, S205, S220, S250,
S300, S330, S630, S650, S770, A770, T140, T190, T650,
S150, S160, S175, S175H, S185, S185H, S205, S205H,
S220, S250, S300, S330, S630, S650, S770, S850, A300,
A770, T190, T190H, T250, T300, T320, T650, T770, T870

Compatible with telescopic
2556, 2566, 3571, 3571L, 35120L, 35120SL

Weights and dimensions

Dans la boutique

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