3400D Utility Vehicle - Bobcat.eu

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3400D | Utility Vehicle

Driven to perform
The Bobcat utility vehicle delivers the best possible performance and productivity in its class. If you re driven to do more in a day, Bobcat delivers the muscle,
traction and options you need to take on a larger variety of jobs.

n Speed for the job
Spend less time moving from place to place and more time doing the job. A top speed of 48 km/h and the ability to quickly reach that top speed will rapidly get you, and your cargo, to the jobsite.

n Exceptional horsepower
More horsepower means you can get more done in a day. Thanks to high increased wheel torque, plenty of speed, better acceleration and extra power for a high payload. Working with a 4x4 vehicle, you ll get better performance pulling through challenging ground.

n Ample payload
High horsepower, leading-edge suspension and strong brakes add up to higher payloads  up to 1406 kg total rated capacity  so you can carry more in fewer trips.


Keep on driving n Two-speed transmission
Low-range operation gives you maximum wheel torque for heading uphill or towing heavy loads. High range provides top speed when driving on hard-packed surfaces under light loads. With the 3400D, you select the range you need for the task.

n Independent wheel suspension
Improve agility over rough terrain. The 3400D utility vehicle oûers advanced independent wheel suspension to improve your comfort and keep the wheels in contact with the ground for maximum traction.

n Variable-rate acceleration
Variable-rate acceleration allows the machine to increase speed at a slower rate through the first half of the pedal stroke  giving you precise control of travel speed when manoevring around trees, walls and gates.
During the second half of the pedal stroke, it responds at a faster rate to quickly reach its top speed of 48 km/h.

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