Precision Grading | Attachments -

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Precision Grading

| Attachments

Precision Grading Attachments n Grade as you want
Bobcat grading attachments excel at delicate grading tasks  giving you simple operation, fine control,
maximum productivity and leading comfort. Whether you choose the grader or box blade, you ll find that grading is easier to do and more profitable with Bobcat laser-guided attachments.
Operate each attachment manually, if desired, by using
your Bobcat loader s fingertip controls. Or, use the
optional Bobcat laser control system for maximum ease of use and superior accuracy.
With the push of a button, the automatic laser control takes over, and the attachment makes adjustments automatically and accurately within +/- 6 mm.

Applications for lasers:
" Cutting grade
" Determining amount of material to be removed or added
" Checking level and slope
" Checking plumb and alignment
" Set up concrete forms
Automatic laser control provides:
" Less operator input and less fatigue
" Better accuracy
" Faster travel speed
" Higher productivity

n Grader
The Bobcat grader attachment, designed for use in landscaping, asphalt, curb and gutter and concrete flatwork, features a 213 cm, six-way hydraulically controlled blade and hydraulic side-shift for the heavyduty graders 96 and 108, operated with switches mounted on the loader s steering levers for precise fingertip control. Each side of the blade adjusts independently  so you can drive up, down or across a slope!
" Formed modular frame
" Flotation tyres
" Optional automatic laser control
" Hydraulic side-shift for 96 and 108 models
" Fingertip control from the cab


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