E14 Facelift | Compact Excavators - Bobcat.eu

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E14 Facelift | Compact Excavators

E14 Facelift | Specifications

Working Range
1371 kg
129 kg
31.00 kPa


Make / model
Number of cylinders
Maximum net torque at 1400 RPM (SAE J1995)


Kubota / D722-E2B-BCZ-5
0.72 L
42.2 Nm



Digging force, dipperstick (ISO 6015)
Digging force, bucket (ISO 6015)
Drawbar pull
Travel speed, low range
Travel speed, high range


8580 N
13140 N
14854 N
2.1 km/h
3.5 km/h

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