S100 | Compact Loaders

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| Compact Loaders

Changing the balance of power n Big power, big benefits
Compact as it is, the S100 loader is powerful too, with high lift- and tilt breakout forces. The superior engine horsepower, the advanced control valve and the efficient hydraulic pumps deliver outstanding hydraulic flow. So your operational efficiency goes up, and your costs go down!

n Need to squeeze in buildings?
The S100 is so compact it can fit wherever you need it to go: through backyard gates for landscaping, inside for interior demolition, and much more. And with its performance and durability, the S100 will redefine your expectations from a compact loader.

Don t compromise: optimize!
What s your job today? Tilling, trenching, sweeping,
scraping, breaking, dumping... the S100 is always your best partner!

You deserve it all n Comfort you can count on
You ll be amazed by the spacious feeling of the cab,
with its ergonomic controls, operator suspension seat and the excellent visibility of the attachment.

The custom-designed headlights allow you to work efficiently even when it s dark. If you opt for the Power
Bob-Tach, you can change attachments much more easily without leaving the cab.
n Technology you can rely on
The instrument panel is packed with state-of-the-art technology. Stay informed at all times, with instant diagnostics and a full complement of gauges, indicators and controls. But we ve kept it simple to use, so it makes your work easier.

n Safety you can trust
The S100 offers several safety features, for the operator and the crew. The domed roof of the cab is reinforced with additional ribs. Sound dampening and reduced vibration lessen operator fatigue. The seat bar provides optimum protection.

Move it!

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