E26 | Compact Excavators - Bobcat.eu

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E26 | Compact Excavators

E26 | Specifications
1515 mm dozer blade
300 mm rubber tracks
Auto shift travel
Auxiliary hydraulics with Quick Couplers
Blade float feature
Cab light
Clamp ready
Control console locks
Engine/hydraulic monitor with shutdown
Fingertip auxiliary and offset hydraulic control

Hydraulic joystick controls
Lockable storage compartment
Radio/MP3 ready
Retractable seat belt
Suspension seat with high back
* TOPS/ROPS canopy
Two-speed travel
Work lights (boom and upperstructure)
Warranty: 12 months, 2000 hours (Whichever occurs first)

Operating weight with ROPS canopy
Additional weight for cab with heater
Additional weight for steel tracks
Additional weight for long dipperstick
Additional weight for add counterweight

2565 kg
130 kg
119 kg
10 kg
183 kg

Make / model
Fuel / Cooling
Bore / Stroke
Maximum power at 2400 RPM (SAE J1995)
Maximum torque at 2400 RPM (SAE J1995)
Number of cylinders

Kubota / D1105-E2B-BCZ-2
Diesel / Liquid, forced circulation
78.0 mm / 78.4 mm

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