3400D | Utility Vehicle - Bobcat.eu

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

3400D | Utility Vehicle

3400D | Specifications
Maximum trailer hitch coupler weight
Maximum cargo box load
Tow weight
Vehicle rated capacity
Total rated capacity
Max. travel speed  forward (low range)
Max. travel speed  forward (high range)
Max. travel speed  reverse

68 kg
500 kg
680 kg
725 kg
1406 kg
24 km/h
48 km/h
24 km/h

Make / Model
Fuel / Cooling
Power (SAE J1349) @ 3600 RPM
Maximum torque at 2500 RPM (SAE J1349)
Number of cylinders
Fuel tank capacity

Yanmar 3TNM72-APL
Diesel / Liquid
18.2 kW
53.6 Nm
904 cm3
34.1 L

Operating weight (full tank + driver)

730 kg

Vehicle steering
Travel speed

Self-adjusting rack and pinion
Foot pedal. Forward/reverse travel direction is selected by a lever on the dashboard (high/low/neutral/reverse).
Four-wheel drive, two-wheel drive (differential locked), turf
(differential unlocked)

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