T770 | Compact Loaders - LMM spol.s r.o.

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

T770 | Compact Loaders

T770 | Specifications

Rated operating capacity (ISO 14397-1)
Tipping load (ISO 14397-1)
Pump capacity
Pump capacity (with high flow option)
System relief at Quick Couplers
Max. travel speed (low range  standard)
Max. travel speed (high range  optional)

1611 kg
4602 kg
87.1 L/min
151 L/min
23.8 24.5 MPa
10.6 km/h
17.2 km/h

Make / Model
Fuel / Cooling
Torque at 1600 RPM ( (SAE JI 995 Gross)
Number of cylinders
Fuel tank

Kubota / V3800-DI-T-E3
Diesel / Liquid
68.6 kW
315 Nm
3769 cm3
103 L

Operating weight

4683 kg

Vehicle steering

Direction and speed controlled by two hand levers or joysticks
Separate foot pedals, optional Advanced Control System (ACS),
Advanced Hand Controls (AHC) or Selectable Joystick Controls
Electrical switch on right-hand steering lever

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