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Doosan Credo

Our Vision
We aspire to be a Proud Global Doosan  a leading innovator of products and services that improve the quality of life for people and communities around the world.
We will achieve this by living the Doosan Credo.
Guided by our Credo, we will drive our second 100 years of growth.

Core Values
Doosan s people are our greatest asset and the key to our future.
They are at the heart of all our achievements.
Our continued and distinguished success will only be possible through developing and cultivating our talent.
Our people possess great capacity, willingness and drive to contribute to the Company.
They are relentless in enhancing their skills and capabilities.
They embrace our Core Values and demonstrate these beliefs and principles in their daily behaviors.
Cultivating people is our highest priority and a shared responsibility.
Attracting and recruiting the right talent, who understand and embrace our values,
will be the foundation for developing our people.
We believe people develop and grow through performance at work and we give them the authority and responsibility that best match their capabilities.
Through experience, people develop to their maximum potential.
Fair and immediate feedback and recognition are offered as we believe this is central to self-development.
Our people are given the opportunity to develop their strengths and address areas for improvement. As a result, Doosan people are proud of who they are and respected as business professionals.
Integrity and transparency are fundamental Doosan strengths.
We make profit by creating value through fair and transparent activities.
We acknowledge our mistakes and keep our promises.
We never compromise our principles.

Inhwa best expresses who we are and provides us with a unique competitive edge.
We define Inhwa as teamwork in the truest sense of the word,
grounded upon fairness and camaraderie.
By carefully following these virtues we have created One Doosan;
a collective strength built on the contribution of a wide diversity of individuals.
Inhwa means we maximize our organizational strength and potential through true teamwork built on defined, transparent rules of fair play.
Selfish rivalries between individuals or departments have no place at Doosan and discrimination of any kind is not tolerated.
Inhwa means each individual contributes to the success of their colleagues and team,
resulting in both excellent team and individual performances.
Inhwa also means we are open; Doosan welcomes proactive ideas and constructive criticism from everyone, regardless of seniority or position.
Our unique practice of Inhwa extends beyond the internal organization and embraces the entire Doosan community from our families to our shareholders, affiliates and partners. 
Our customers are the reason Doosan exists.

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