Compact Excavators - Saimar

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Compact Excavators

Superior design for superior performance
The Bobcat
7-ton excavator
" Powerful
" Easy to operate
" Low engine noise
" Environmentally friendly
" Choice of tracks and boom

The 7-ton Bobcat 442 excavator offers state-of-the-art design and technology,
making it an excavator providing truly superior performance.


Zero Tail Swing
The rear portion of the excavator does not project beyond the footprint of the tracks at any time when the upper structure is rotated.

240° Swing range
The right-hand corner of the excavator is designed so the machine can have a full 240°
swing range. This allows the excavator to move alongside obstacles while loading at the same time a truck positioned behind the machine.

Load into trucks with high sides
With a height to bucket pin of 5.2 m, the 442 can easily load material into large trucks with sides as high as 4.2 metres.

Exceptional stability
The rugged undercarriage is oversized to provide for exceptional

Dans la boutique

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