Sweeping brochure - Bobcat EMEA

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Bobcat brooms make a clean sweep!
n A new angle on sweeping
Cleaning takes on a whole new perspective with
Bobcat s angle broom attachment. You can use it with a wide range of Bobcat loaders*, for a load of applications:
" Quickly and efficiently sweep away dirt, light snow and other debris;
" Use it for quick snow removal, without damaging pavement surfaces;

" Sweep flush alongside a curb or wall;
" Adjust the broom angle with the fingertip controls
" Manually adjust the 3 angle positions of the 48  broom to obtain perfect results;
" The storage stand prevents bristle distortion when you aren t using the broom.
(*) Check with your dealer for compatibility with Bobcat telescopic handlers.


n Give dirt the push!
With the Bobcat whisker push broom, you can sweep
20 - 30 times faster than by hand! Dramatically cut the cost of cleaning up all kinds of debris from all kinds of sites:
" Use it for both wet or dry debris;
" You can quickly and easily clean along curbs and in tight areas;
" No flying debris and minimal dust make it a safer and healthier sweeping solution;
" It quickly attaches to the loader bucket;
" You can sweep moving both forward and in reverse.

When using the sweeper, add the water kit to help reduce dust
(also suitable for the planer,
vibratory roller, angle broom,
etc). An electric pump supplies water to the nozzles on the attachment.


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