Catalogue Furniture Fittings and Applications - Hettich

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Programme overview
Group 8

8.1 Fittings for lightweight boards


Range summary 8.1.0

8.2 Connecting fittings


Range summary 8.2.0 - 8.2.1

8.3 Fittings for beds and upholstered furniture


Range summary 8.3.1

8.4. Height adjustable legs


Range summary 8.4.1

8.5 Shelf supports and shelf-support strips/folding support brackets


Range summary 8.5.1

8.6 Cabinet suspension brackets


Range summary 8.6.1

8.7. Furniture glides/Buffers/Furniture levelling wedges
8.7.0 - 8.7.1

Programme overview Group 8


Range summary
8.1 Fittings for lightweight boards


Dans la boutique

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