Terms and conditions for the supply of goods (pro ... - Hettich

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Hettich UK LP: Terms and conditions for the supply of goods

The customer's attention is drawn in particular to the provisions of clause 9.




Definitions. In these Conditions, the following definitions apply:
Business Day: a day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday) when banks in London are open for business.
Conditions: the terms and conditions set out in this document.
Contract: the contract between the Supplier and the Customer for the sale and purchase of the Goods in accordance with these Conditions.
Customer: the person or firm who purchases the Goods from the Supplier.
Force Majeure Event: has the meaning given in clause 10.
Goods: the goods (or any part of them) set out in the Order.
Order: the Customer's order for the Goods, as set out in the Customer's purchase order.
Specification: any specification for the Goods, including any related plans and drawings, that is agreed in writing by the Customer and the Supplier.
Supplier: Hettich UK (registered in England and Wales with company number


Construction. In these Conditions, the following rules apply:


A person includes a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body (whether or not having separate legal personality).


A reference to a party includes its personal representatives, successors or permitted assigns.


A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to such statute or provision as amended or re-enacted. A reference to a statute or statutory provision includes any subordinate legislation made under that statute or statutory provision, as amended or re-enacted.


Any phrase introduced by the terms including, include, in particular or any

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Download Katalog Info
Download Katalog Info
29/12/2010 - www.hettich.com
Aluminium-Rahmenprofil Breite 45 mm für Intermat 9924 T42/26 Fax-Bestellung an Ihren Fachhändler Einfach Fax ausfüllen und Sie bekommen einen komplett auf Ihr individuelles Maß konfektionierten Satz Aluminium-Rahmenprofile, Breite 45 mm Auf individuelle Maße konfektionierbar oder fertig konfektioniert Dieses Profil kann individuell selbst auf Maß konfektioniert werden. Fuge H bis 800 H bis 800 H bis 1500 H bis 1500 9,5 19 4+5 9,5 30 6 b b 8 b 37 b ø 26 max. 450 ø 2,5 c c ...

Catalogue Furniture Fittings and Applications - Hettich
Catalogue Furniture Fittings and Applications - Hettich
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24 www.hettich.com Hinges ð} Summary of ranges Concealed hinges Range summary / Technical comparison 26 - 27 Special hinges Summary Furniture hinges made of solid brass Summary Technik für Möbel 192 - 193 242 - 243 25 Concealed hinges ð} Range summary / Technical comparison Sensys Intermat Intermat Push to open Page 28 - 29 56 - 57 122 - 123 Hinge cup mounting ð} Screw-on version ð} Press-in version Flash fast assembly

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29/12/2010 - www.hettich.com
Fax-Bestellung an Ihren Fachhändler Einfach Fax ausfüllen und Sie bekommen einen komplett auf Ihr individuelles Maß konfektionierten Satz Aluminium-Rahmenprofile, Breite 45 mm B 45 19,5 49 2,5 Madenschraube Eindrehmaß min. 6,5 mm Achtung: Für jedes Rahmenmaß/Türmaß ist ein separates Bestellblatt auszufüllen! Bitte alle Angaben in mm! 49 32 5 32 M5 19,5 19,5 1 H H 2,5 19,5 Max. 10 kg 19,5 32 42 B

Fixing rail - Hettich
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KAT_187_198_G8_USA.qxd 01.02.2006 1:20 Uhr Seite 198 Fixing rail Fixing rail Type B length 8' cut length available on request Steel electro plated Packing: = 25 pieces, per case (length approx. 8' each) Rail cover length 8' Plastic white Cut out for hanging rail between cabinets 1´ 4,5 8 28 6,2 8´ 1,75 Article Finish Order no. PU Fixing rail Type B Rail cover electro plated white 052 118 052 119 25 50

Intermat, La technologie des charnières au plus ... - Hettich
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Catalogue Easys for drawers - Hettich
Catalogue Easys for drawers - Hettich
02/12/2014 - www.hettich.com
Electromechanical opening system. easys for drawers Impressum: © Hettich Marketing- und Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG 32278 Kirchlengern · Germany We reserve all rights to this catalogue under copyright law. It shall not be permissible to duplicate this catalogue in any form either in whole or in part without our written consent. Subject to technical alterations. Errors and omissions excepted. Subject to colour variations. February 2010 Catalogue summary Its easy with easys easys makes the home...

Catalogue Furniture Fittings and Applications - Hettich
Catalogue Furniture Fittings and Applications - Hettich
02/12/2014 - www.hettich.com
Programme overview Group 8 8.1 Fittings for lightweight boards i Range summary 8.1.0 8.2 Connecting fittings i Range summary 8.2.0 - 8.2.1 8.3 Fittings for beds and upholstered furniture i Range summary 8.3.1 8.4. Height adjustable legs i Range summary 8.4.1 8.5 Shelf supports and shelf-support strips/folding support brackets i Range summary 8.5.1 8.6 Cabinet suspension brackets i Range summary 8.6.1 8.7. Furniture glides/Buffers/Furniture levelling wedges 8.7.0 - 8.7.1 Programme...

Download Fax Bestellung
Download Fax Bestellung
29/12/2010 - www.hettich.com
Fax-Bestellung an Ihren Fachhändler Einfach Fax ausfüllen und Sie bekommen einen komplett auf Ihr individuelles Maß konfektionierten Satz Aluminium-Rahmenprofile, Breite 55 mm, gewölbt B max. 1000 16 16 49 32 32 ø 3,5 H max. 500 42,5 Max. 3,3 kg Max. 4,6 kg 64 Achtung: Für jedes Rahmenmaß/Türmaß ist ein separates Bestellblatt auszufüllen! Bitte alle Angaben in mm! Max. 50kg 42,5 H 500 max. 16 16 B 1000 max. Anzahl Türen 3 Set Aluminium-Rahmenprofil, Breite 55 mm, gewölbt auf...

la meilleure formule pour vos dallages - Toffolo Materiaux
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LA MEILLEURE FORMULE POUR VOS DALLAGES es e n n a 30 ce n e i r e d'exp Des millions de metres de joints traites 1er prix : Pyramide d'Or (BATIMAT - FRANCE) Certifie par le CSTB. Avis technique 3/06-471 1er prix : Most Innovative Product (WORLD OF CONCRETE - USA) PRODUITS du BATIMENT TOFFOLO MATERIAUX - FRANCE Tel. +33 (0)5 59 93 26 55 - Fax +33 (0)5 59 93 20 18 toffolo-materiaux@toffolo.fr www.toffolo.fr re qua lite. e ts sont f ab -join e l

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I NFORMATION P RESSE O CTOBRE 2015 3 E M E E DITION D U C ONCOUR S C AMPUS A RCH IZINC D E VMZINC ® : Q UAND LA CONSTR UCTION DUR A BLE R EPOND A LA DENSIFICATION UR BAINE www.campus-archizinc.com VISUELS DISPONIBLES SUR SIMPLE DEMANDE AU SERVICE DE PRESSE : C A B I N E T V E R LE Y D JA M E L A B O U A B DA L L A H et C AR O L I N E R A N SO N djamela@cabinet-verley.com et caroline@cabinet-verley.com Tél. : 01 47 60 22 62 - www.cabinet-verley.com Le concours bisannuel CAMPUS ARCHIZINC...

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