Multi-Clip The clip connector for many different ... - Hettich

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

The clip connector for many different applications
Clip connector Multi-Clip
A single plastic component, simple and easy to use!
Multi-Clip is rectangular in shape and can be screwed in place from all sides. Fits easily into system 32 drilling.
Multi-Clip locates by means of a flexible tongue. These tongues are serrated and slightly sprung in order to provide a firm location.
Multi-Clip s wide tolerance band provides significant adjustment after location.

Multi-Clip is versatile in use:
For wall panelling, plinths, fascia panels and cladding of all types.
In all cases, the fitting can be screwed on parallel or at a right angle to the fascia or cladding component.
If the clip connectors have to be pushed on from the front, one of the fittings is screwed on at an angle of 90°.
The drawings opposite show just some of the applications possible with Multi-Clip. Simple, easy and economical.
 Only 1 fitting for all types of application.
 Strong location via spring-loaded flexible tongues with serrated surfaces.
 Variable screw-on positions allow fixing from above,
from the front, from the side etc.
 Compensation of installation tolerances.
 Adjustability after installation.

Made from heat-resistant thermoplastic


Order no.



1 009 684


Mounting with
4 mm dia. countersunk screws



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