Cabinet suspension bracket SAH 215 - Hettich

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KAT_187_198_G8_USA.qxd 01.02.2006 1:20 Uhr Seite 196

Cabinet suspension bracket
SAH 215

Concealed steel cabinet suspension bracket
 For rail and hook suspension
 Loading capacity 140 lbs (65 kg) / piece
 Mounted by 3 pins into the side panel,
additional screw connection is also possible
 Suitable for back panel recess measuring at least 16 mm
 Quick, convenient height adjustment through a sturdy adjustment screw and gear: ± 9 mm
 Depth adjustment: max. 25 mm
 Lateral adjustment ± 3 mm if hook suspension is used
 Adjustment screws are secured against unintentional removal
 Lift-off height: 7,5 mm
 Hook suspension: the closed form of the hook prevents the cabinet from slipping off.
 Can be used with suspension rail Type B  see page 198
 Steel, zinc-plated - fully recyclable

Cabinet suspension brackets

Order no.


SAH 215

079 716

25 sets

1 set = 1 left and 1 right cabinet suspension bracket

Depth adjustment max. 25 mm

Height adjustment ± 9 mm

Screw connection in the cabinet side panel with wood screw 3,5 x 20


Accessories for cabinet suspension brackets  see page 198
Guidelines for the load-bearing capacity of cabinet suspension brackets  see page 198

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