Eurovent CTI Article EN V01

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Eurovent Certita Certification (ECC)
& Cooling Technology Institute (CTI)
together provide industry certification of Cooling Towers and Closed Circuit
Coolers covering the world.
Performance certification is the basis for Endusers, consultants, Contractors, Manufacturers and Government to ensure correct investment in quality products.

& Is rejecting the heat to the atmosphere of the process that needs to be cooled. At first sight an obvious statement, BUT it is not. By using the right methodology, an amount of heat can be rejected to the atmosphere. However knowing exactly how the evaporative cooling equipment rejects the heat is a challenge. Accurate determination of the heat rejection capability is of utmost importance for the Enduser, Designer, Manufacturer and the Government to determine the efficiency of the heat rejection methodology.

Evaluating the quality of a product usually concentrates on the evaluation of functionality, maintenance,
longevity, durability, safety and even physical appearance. However, the most fundamental aspect of quality for every machine is the ability to fulfill its design function. For evaporative cooling equipment this mission is proper heat rejection.
Quantifying the temperature level at which heat is rejected accurately is a challenge that requires expertise and know-how. National and International Standards for thermal performance testing of cooling towers have been prepared in cooperation with engineering societies, associations and institutes. These standards focus on performance testing as a part of the commissioning process of a specific installation. Manufacturers however have a need for thermal performance testing programs that certify the performance for an entire product line and guarantee to third parties the correct performance in accordance with published data.
Depending on the manufacturing locations, a manufacturer also might wish to guarantee consistent and identical reproduction of the base design with a consequential transferrable performance guarantee to the alternate production locations.

W W W. E U R O V E N T - C E R T I F I C A T I O N . C O M

For the European HVAC&R industry, Eurovent Certita Certification plays a major role in establishing a level playing field for manufacturers to certify the performance and guarantee the fundamental integrity of their product lines. The Eurovent Certified Performance logo indicates that this quality requirement has been fulfilled and should not require the need to be re-proven after the customer's decision and after the manufacturer's production process. Eurovent certification eliminates the age old practice of including;
safety margins, upward rounding of the design loads, wet bulb temperature & flow rate and the budget for capital investment.

The European Parliament and the council of the European Union have established the climate and energy package which is a set of binding legislation aiming to ensure the European Union meets its ambitious climate and energy targets for 2020. These targets, known as the 20-20-20  targets, set three key objectives for 2020 for the EU:

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