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WILO takes the protection of your personal data very seriously, and takes account of protecting your privacy during processing in our IT systems. When you visit our website,
we possibly ask for, amongst other things, personal data in accordance with statutory provisions that are applicable within the EU or are in accordance with the German Federal
Data Protection Act.

Use of the website

You can use almost all of our website without us asking for you to give your personal data. We only become aware of the name of your Internet service providers, the website from which you navigated to ours and the individual pages that you visit on our website.
A few offerings and services that you can find on our site require personal data to be provided in order for them to be used (e.g. for processing inquiries). The details are defined in points 3 and 4.

Collection and processing of personal data

When you visit our website, you are asked at various points to provide personal data.
Personal data is information that is used in order to establish your identity. This includes information such as name, address, postal address, telephone number. Information that is not directly related to the actual identity, e.g. the number of users of a website, does not fall within this definition.
We only collect, process or use personal data if you provide us with this information voluntarily. We use the information we collect for the purposes of technical administration of our website as well as for customer management, and only to the extent required in each case.
As a matter of course our employees are obliged to maintain confidentiality in accordance with Article 5 of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).
4. Passing on personal data to third parties
We only store and use the data provided to us for in-house use. We neither sell this data,
nor do we communicate it to third parties. The situation is different if we are obliged to publish and transmit the data for legal reasons or as the result of a court judgment.
Data is only passed on to service and business partners for the purposes of processing inquiries. In such cases, the extent of data transferred is reduced to the necessary minimum. Furthermore, these service providers are bound by the German Federal Data
Protection Act (BDSG).


Data protection officer

Please contact our data protection officer if you have any further questions about the

Dans la boutique

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