Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Simply put, perfect.





Simply put, perfect.

COAX combines elegance with first-class design, high-quality workmanship and outstandingly efficient lighting technology.
The 360? ambient light body of the COAX, designed by Licht
Kunst Licht, is stunning in its simplicity and elegance. The concept of the double shell creates slight reflections on the clear surface, which set a high-quality highlight in the room and create unique lighting moods.

COAX simply everywhere
With its elegant shape and glare-free light, the light, the COAX is versatile and flexible. Classrooms, meeting rooms, offices, reception rooms, cafeterias, entrance areas, corridors,
hotels, reception areas and circulation zones.

Elegant optics
COAX is available as a Tunable White version with a stepless change between warm white and cool white light.

Room-radiating light
With its diffuse illumination and perfect glare control, COAX provides outstanding quality of illumination for standard-compliant office lighting.

Product range
COAX is available in two sizes, with colour temperatures of 3000K, 4000K and Tunable White*,
and as a surface-mounted and pendant luminaire with direct and indirect light components.

read the full story:

Surface-mounted, pendant

Product range overview

Mounting type

Dans la boutique

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