Voluntary Pledge RENOLIT Group

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CPA Voluntary Pledge RENOLIT Group

31th January 2021

As one of the world's leading manufacturers of high-quality plastic films, sheets and other polymer solutions, RENOLIT feels particularly committed to sustainability and the associated approach of circular economy.
As we are aware of our responsibility towards people and the environment, we have anchored our consistent commitment in our Corporate Strategy "ONE RENOLIT 2025" and our overarching
Mission Statement "We deliver sustainable and innovative polymer solutions".
In addition to numerous internal sustainability activities, RENOLIT since long is engaged in value chain initiatives such as Vinyl Plus, a voluntary commitment from the European PVC industry.
Our pledge:
Anchored in its Strategic Guidelines, RENOLIT has set itself the objective to operate internal closed-loop material cycles throughout the entire organisation by 2025. 100% of plastic waste remains in the RENOLIT Group and is recycled there, assuming that the legal framework allows for this. Currently, plastic waste can be reused directly or, after processing, indirectly in production either at the point of generation or at another Group site. Approx. 18.000 tons, which cannot be reused internally, are currently recycled and reused externally. Through its "RENOLIT
Goes Circular" project, which also focuses on waste reduction through appropriate measures in production, RENOLIT will no longer have to sell waste to third parties by 2025.
Beyond this goal, RENOLIT is committed to taking back customer waste with the aim of reusing it in existing or new products without or after conditioning. By 2025, ten customer projects for waste take-back have been realised and integrated into the RENOLIT loop.
By 2025 we will only use Plastic packaging material within RENOLIT that is alternatively reusable or recyclable. In addition it must comply with a recycling content of at least 50% or is to at least
50% produced out of renewable resources.
RENOLIT is also active in the field of bio based polymer production. By supporting the "Photanol"
project, we are making a valuable contribution to the production of non-fossil polymers. This process converts CO2 from the air by means of photosynthesis with the help of cyanobacteria into basic chemical building blocks, which find a variety of applications in the field of polymer production. By converting CO2, this methodology makes a decisive contribution to decarbonisation and ultimately has a positive impact on climate change.
In 2020, RENOLIT has decided to act according to the guidelines of the "Operation Clean
Sweep" initiative. The core of the initiative is a "Zero Pellet Loss", where careful attention is paid to ensure that no polymers leave the cycle and ultimately lead to "Marine and Environmental
Litter". All Group sites are committed to implement the relevant measures by 2025 and will apply an accredited certification scheme.


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