Hansa General Terms And Conditions Of Sale

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

General terms and conditions of sale
Applicable in national and international business transactions with companies, legal persons under public law and special public funds.










General provisions
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter: Sales Conditions ) shall apply to the supply of ?ttings, parts of ?ttings, installations or other products of Hansa
Armaturen GmbH (hereinafter: HANSA ) to the customer, even if they are not expressly referred to in subsequent contracts.
Terms and conditions of the customer that con?ict with, supplement or deviate from these Sales Conditions shall not become part of the contract unless their application is expressly approved by HANSA in writing. These Sales Conditions shall apply even if
HANSA makes a delivery to the customer without reservations whilst being aware of the customer's con?icting or deviating terms and conditions.
Agreements which supplement or deviate from these Sales Conditions and which are made between HANSA and the customer for the performance of a contract must be set out in writing in the contract. This shall also apply to the cancellation of this requirement of the written form.
Any rights beyond these Sales Conditions to which HANSA is entitled by law shall remain unaffected.
Formation of contract
All offers and cost estimates from HANSA shall be subject to change and non-binding unless they are expressly designated as binding offers.
Pictures, drawings, information about weight, measurement, performance, and

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