Traq Office Folder EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Whether applied in warehouses, assembly plants or loading bays  Traq has established itself as a reliable row lighting system for all types of industrial buildings. Traq Office incorporates specially developed optics and thus delivers standard-compliant, first-class lighting for office environments, laboratories and school facilities  without compromising on any of its acknowledged strengths as a luminaire for industrial applications.



Horizontal illuminance: 500 lux on the working plane
Colour rendering: CRI "e 80
Beam angle: omnidirectional with indirect component
Colour temperature: 4000 K or 3000 K
Luminous flux: L80 50'000 h
Luminous efficacy: "e 130 lm/W
Glare control: UGR "d 19, Lmax "e 65° "d 3000 cd/m2
Protection rating: IP20

Hauptsitz Schweiz Regent Beleuchtungskörper AG, Dornacherstrasse 390, Postfach 139, CH - 4018 Basel, Tel. +41 61 335 51 11,
Fax +41 61 335 52 01, Bern Regent Beleuchtungskörper AG, Jupiterstrasse 15, Postfach 170, CH-3000 Bern 15,
Tel. +41 31 940 10 10, Fax +41 31 940 10 11, Genève Régent Appareils d'éclairage SA, Rue de Saint-Jean 30, CH-1203
Genève, Tél. +41 22 340 34 00, Fax +41 22 340 38 82, Lausanne Régent Appareils d'éclairage SA, Chemin du Rionzi
60, Case postale 432, CH-1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Tél. +41 21 642 02 02, Fax +41 21 648 21 19, Lugano Regent
Illuminazione SA, Via al Mulino 22, CH-6814 Cadempino, Tel. +41 91 966 77 33, Fax +41 91 967 11 01, Zürich Regent
Beleuchtungskörper AG, Luggweg­strasse 9, CH-8048 Zürich, Tel. +41 44 497 31 11, Fax +41 44 497 31 61, Head
Office International Regent Beleuchtungskörper AG, Dornacherstrasse 390, P.O. Box 139, CH - 4018 Basel Switzerland,
Tel. +41 61 335 53 70, Fax +41 61 335 55 96, Deutschland Regent Licht GmbH, Plange Mühle 1, D-40221
Düsseldorf, Tel. +49 211 598 972 10, Fax +49 211 598 972 59, France Régent Appareils d'éclairage Sarl, Siège social, 38 bis Boulevard Beaumarchais, F-75011 Paris, Régent Appareils d'éclairage SA, Siège commercial, Dornacherstrasse 390, Case postale 139, CH - 4018 Bâle Suisse, Tél. +33 1 45 72 46 88, Fax +41 61 335 55 96, Israel Regent Lighting Marketing
Ltd., 4, Moshe Sharet St., IL-75704 Rishon Letzion, Phone +972 3 962 29 70, Fax +972 3 962 29 98,
Italia Regent Illuminazione s.r.l., Sede legale, Via Vittor Pisani 16, I-20124 Milano, Tel. +39 02 667 183 78, Fax +39 02 673 861 09, Österreich Regent Licht GmbH, Karl-Farkas-Gasse 22, A -1030 Wien, Tel. +43 1 879 12 10, Fax +43 1 879 12 09, India Regent Lighting Asia Private Limited, A-19, Ground Floor, Sector-64, Noida - 201301, Uttar Pradesh,
India, Phone +91 120 404 4600 (North India), +91 120 473 3028 / +91 120 473 3030 (South & West India)




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