Regent Lighting Booklet TRAQ 2022 EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Quality with a system





Quality with a system
High efficiency, high flexibility and long service life all along the line: TRAQ
is our highest-quality continuous-row lighting system and is characterised,
among other things, by its extremely simple, tool-free installation. In addition,
the trendsetting optics developed especially for TRAQ provide particularly uniform, glare-free light with first-class colour rendition. With no less than five available beam angles and numerous extension modules, TRAQ offers limitless expansion possibilities for different needs and environments. Whether in industrial or office applications: this system is already equipped for tomorrow s needs.

A system of three solid components
TRAQ Linear is the high-quality and robust mounting rail on which the entire system is based. Added to this are the luminaire strips specially designed for TRAQ with innovative lighting technology and, with TRAQ Equip, a wide range of accessories for unlimited expansion and energy savings of up to
70 % (e.g. with presence sensors).

Mounting rails

Batten luminaires

Extension modules

TRAQ Linear
Intelligent power supply for limitless light
An intelligent power supply concept and simple connection technology guarantee the best light with simple installation  all the way. The individual components can be positioned quickly and flexibly. TRAQ Linear is the safe solution for your lighting requirements. The result: efficient light with minimum effort.

Simple, tool-free assembly

Features and specifications

No special know-how is required for the installation of

" Feeding from above or front side

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