Regent Lighting Folder STREAM 2023 EN 01

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

When space becomes light





Turns office lighting upside down

STREAM turns office lighting upside down. The first ceiling light which doesn't require mounting.
As soon as STREAM is out of the box, it's ready to shine - in the most effective and beautiful way.
Reduced to the minimum, the award-winning luminaire body made of high-quality aluminium allows discreet integration into different spaces,
whether open space or individual office.

Up to four workstations with one light
With the unique reflector technology and narrow-beam light cones, enough illumination is created in the space with purely indirect lighting to meet high standards. Guaranteed no glare: STREAM meets the standard specifications for office lighting. The innovative format and the high quality of the lighting permit illumination of up to four workstations with only one light.

Ideal for home office
STREAM Tunable White is the ideal solution for the home office. Thus for instance this solution offers cool light for the daytime and warm light for the evening or if the space is to be given an ambience of wellbeing.
Group and control via MyLights Remote
The STREAM MyLights Remote variant can be grouped and controlled via Bluetooth.
MyLights Remote is 100% Casambi compatible.
This means that the MyLights Remote variant can be combined with all Casambi accessories.
This makes it easy to control a room consisting of several luminaires via the Mobile App, a Casambi motion detector or the MyLights Switch.

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