Regent Lighting Leaflet PureliteSlim 2021

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

The design shines





The design shines
PURELITE SLIM is something to admire before it has even been turned on. The slimmest and thinnest luminaire in the industry, it is a feat of imagination and innovation. But then a switch is flicked. And PURELITE SLIM becomes a sleek strip of pure, uninterrupted,
exceptional light. Although its design is hard to comprehend, the luminaire itself is easy to install at every stage of a project. Because it is ultra-flat (35 mm), PURELITE SLIM can be integrated into concrete ceilings without having to alter the statics of that ceiling or the building itself. Giving you flexibility on top of aesthetic brilliance. So, the possibilities are as wide as PURELITE SLIM is so elegantly thin.

omni-directional light emission

direct light emission

Ultra-flat design

Unlimited flexibility

The slimmest and thinnest luminaire in the industry for

The uses and applications of PURELITE SLIM are both

the office environment. Not only is its lighting quality

versatile and flexible, partly due to a purist design which

remarkable, the ultra-flat luminaire unit itself, measuring

can be easily integrated into a wide variety of environ-

just 35 millimetres inlcuding control gear, is too.

ments, and partly to its ease of installation. Whereas conventional recessed ceiling luminaires have to be planned

A narrow, continuous strip of light up to 19 metres long,

from the outset, PURELITE SLIM can be retrofitted at no

Dans la boutique

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