Regent Lighting Folder NEO EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Unlock the power within





Ready for your bright future.
Break out of the usual lighting matrix and enter a completely new dimension of light. Awaken your room from the darkness and let yourself be seduced by the choice between NEO and NEO+.

Both versions always guarantee standard-compliant lighting for office environments. With NEO+
you achieve the highest level of glare control: With a luminance of less than 1,500 cd/m², NEO+ is the ideal choice for particularly demanding visual tasks.
Thanks to the integrated MDA 3.0 module, NEO and
NEO+ are ready for the IoT solution MyData Analysis and as standard.

Single-user detection
Maximum glare control

Ideal for single workstations as well as for double workstations. Thanks to two

NEO has a UGR of less than 10 and

separate motion sensors, NEO / NEO+

luminance levels of less than 3,000 cd/

always detects the ideal area.

m², creating a pleasant working atmosphere without annoying glare. The
NEO+ version with impressive luminance levels of less than 1,500 cd/m² sets new standards in glare-free lighting.

MyData Analysis 3.0 (MDA 3.0)
Luminaire infrastructure as a data source: Our optional smart building system offers new possibilities for building management and helps to optimise space utilisation and operating

Dans la boutique

Regent Lighting Folder NEO EN
Regent Lighting Folder NEO EN
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