Regent Lighting Leaflet MilanoSlim 2020

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Quality is all around





Quality is all around
MILANO SLIM is total light. 360 degree office light. Light that radiates in all its forms, directly, indirectly and laterally. Light which spreads beautifully outwards,
distilled and refined by the frosted diffuser design. Light whose tones and textures can be remixed to match any mood using the Tunable White personalisation feature. All this from a simple, sleek circle. An even finer, even more elegant development of the classic cylindrical design which is at home in any environment and enhances any style of architecture. Easily mounted, full of features but free of glare, it can grace any office. Pure light. Perfectly delivered.
In every way, a halo.

Suitable for office lighting
Perfect, glare-free illumination, meeting all standards for workplace lighting.

Increases well-being
MILANO SLIM is available in a Tunable White version that allows the user to change the luminaire's colour temperature from warm white to cold white light. The colour temperature can either automatically be adapted based on the availability of light during the day, or can be controlled individually. This has a positive impact on well-being (Human Centric Lighting).

High visual comfort
Outstanding light quality all round due thanks to homogeneous illumination, with both direct and indirect light.

Timeless Design
A classic cylindrical design that works in any environment: classrooms, meeting rooms, offices, cafeterias, foyers and lobbies, corridors, hotels, reception areas,
circulation zones.

Ceiling and wall mounted luminaire


Pendant luminaire

Dans la boutique

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