Regent Lighting Folder COBRA 2023 EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Shape your light





Uniquely flexible
Designer John Ritschl-Lassoudry was inspired by a dream of glowing snakes in a tropical garden. That very night, he drew his vision of a luminaire with which light can be flexibly shaped. With infinite design possibilities, every installation should be unique.

With the flexible COBRA, unique and emotionally appealing lighting atmospheres can be created. Creative lighting design with the extraordinary ceiling and wall surfacemounted luminaire is achieved by continuously moving the profile between freely selectable mounting points. There are almost no limits to creativity.

As the COBRA constantly curves away from the wall surface, different light cones are created with each curvature:
depending on the distance, these are smaller and more intense or larger and more diffuse.

Wide range of applications
COBRA is suitable for prestigious entrance areas as well as for staircases, corridors,
meeting and relaxation zones.

COBRA as basic lighting
The direct/indirect distribution luminaire not only sets decorative accents, but also fulfils the normative requirements for basic lighting.

Wireless control
COBRA is available as DALI version or with
MyLights Remote Casambi control.

read the full story:

Ceiling and wall mounted luminaires

Product range overview

Dans la boutique

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