Fiche Produit Ati Pro English Bd

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Flexible under-roof screen for rooûng in small discontinuous elements.
Flexible screen for walls and exterior walls.
ATI France - 146 Av. du Bicentenaire - 01120 Dagneux - France

DoP no. ATI-MF-PRO-001-0718
available on

with under-roof screen

Reaction to ûre

Euroclass F
Class W1

EN 13859-1:2010
EN 13859-2:2010

Ownership of water vapour transmission

Sd = 0.176 m

EN 13859-2:2010

Tensile properties:
- Tensile strength and maximum elongation

LD: 560 (± 50) N/50 mm
TD: 430 (± 40) N/50 mm
LD: 8 (± 2) %
TD: 11 (± 3) %

Resistance to nail tearing (nail shank)

LD: 610 (± 50) N/50 mm EN 13859-1:2010
TD: 570 (± 50) N/50 mm EN 13859-2:2010

Flexibility at low temperatures
Artiûcial ageing due to exposure to UV
and heat. Tests after exposure:
- Watertightness:

- 40°C


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