IQUE%20Architectural%20Window%20Films Performance%20Series 0

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


% Visible Light
Reflectance (Film)

% Ultraviolet

% Total Solar
Energy Rejection


Solar Heat Gain





% Total Solar
Energy Transmitted

% Total Solar
Energy Reflected
(In the Front Side)

% Total Solar
Energy Absorbed

% Total Solar
Energy Reflected
(In the Back side)





Dans la boutique

IQUE%20Architectural%20Window%20Films Spectrally%20Selective%20FG%20Series 0
IQUE%20Architectural%20Window%20Films Spectrally%20Selective%20FG%20Series 0
23/08/2024 -
Spectrally Selective (FG) Series % Ultraviolet Rejection* % Total Solar Energy Rejection Luminous Efficacy Solar Heat Gain Coefficient Shading Coefficient Emissivity U-Value Btu/(hr.ft2.ºF) Glare Reduction % Total Solar Energy Transmitted % Total Solar Energy Reflected (In the Front Side) % Total Solar Energy Absorbed % Total Solar Energy Reflected (In the Back side) 78.0 10.0 10.0 99.0 42.0

IQUE%20Architectural%20Window%20Films Performance%20Series 0
IQUE%20Architectural%20Window%20Films Performance%20Series 0
23/08/2024 -
Performance Series % Visible Light Reflectance (Film) % Ultraviolet Rejection* % Total Solar Energy Rejection Luminous Efficacy Solar Heat Gain Coefficient Shading Coefficient Emissivity U-Value Btu/(hr.ft2.ºF) Glare Reduction % Total Solar Energy Transmitted % Total Solar Energy Reflected (In the Front Side) % Total Solar Energy Absorbed % Total Solar Energy Reflected (In the Back side) 83J 82.0 10.0 10.0

16/02/2025 -
Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

4847 - cube skate - Quinette Gallay
4847 - cube skate - Quinette Gallay
20/03/2018 -
9,$%/( $;,6$;( 9,$%/( 0,1,  FP  0$;,  FP FP FP FP 98( '( '(6686  723 9,(: FP FP 98( ,(5(  %$&. 9,(: FP 98( '( )$&(  )5217 9,(: FP FP 0,1, $'9,6(' FP FP FP &216(,//( $'9,6('  FP FP 3KRQH7ªO  0DLOLQIR#TXLQHWWHIU )D[     ZZZTXLQHWWHIU FP &8%(6.( 98( '( 352),/  6,'( 9,(: FP 0,1, / 67(3  '(51,(5 *5$',1

PVC GLAZING An easy, aesthetical an Available on our new web ...
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March 2008 PVC GLAZING PROFILES An easy, aesthetical and economical alternative Easy to install and economical, it offers a new design thanks to its integrated glazing seals which come in the same colour as the glazing profile. It can be used in the P26 ®, P40 ®, and Alu-Universel 72 ® systems in double systems, glazing (clear 6 mm or laminate 33/2 glass). With lower prices, quick installation, and colour harmonization, PVC glazing profiles bring new solutions to your needs. It is available...

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Aides financières habitat 2012
Aides financières habitat 2012
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L habitat Comprendre ? Aides financières habitat 2012 Comment financer la performance énergétique de votre logement ? Édition : février 2012 Ce document est un document intermédiaire. Des informations complémentaires sont attendues. La version finale paraîtra dans quelques semaines. sommaire glossaire Se donner les moyens de maîtriser l énergie 3 . À savoir avant de se lancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trouver l aide adaptée . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Brochure Livellamento di precisione
Brochure Livellamento di precisione
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Livellamento di precisione | Accessori Accessori per livellamento di precisione n Livellare a piacimento Gli accessori per livellamento Bobcat sono eccellenti nelle operazioni di livellamento di precisione. Di semplice utilizzo, permettono un controllo puntuale e garantiscono massima produttività e comfort nella conduzione del veicolo. Sia con la livellatrice che con la lama livellatrice, le operazioni di livellamento condotte con gli accessori a guida laser Bobcat risultano sempre più semplici e più proficue. Gli accessori possono essere azionati manualmente, servendosi dei comandi della pala Bobcat con controllo a tocco delle dita, oppure per mezzo del sistema laser opzionale Bobcat, che garantisce un uso semplice ed estremamente accurato. Basta premere un pulsante e il controllo laser assume il comando, guidando la regolazione automatica e costante dell'accessorio con una precisione di +/- 6 mm. Applicazioni...