Materialpassport MoulinLounge Withoutarms Artifort

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Moulin Lounge
Pierre Paulin | Design 1958 - 2023


Based on Moulin Lounge without armrests. Total weight: 16 KG

Upholstery | 26%
Foam | 9%
Steel / Stainless Steel | 46%
Wood | 19%
Other | < 1%

Artifort aims for a sustainable economy in which materials are reused as much as possible in order to limit CO2-emissions. We do this by re-upholstering furniture, recycling waste materials, partnerships with certified suppliers and producing high-quality furniture with longevity.
Artifort manufactures high-quality furniture with a long life cycle. When developing, Artifort strives for products that can be easily disassembled and maintained. As a result, the life cycle of our furniture can be extended by refurbishing. The re-upholstery department of Artifort focuses on re-upholstering and maintaining furniture in order to bear responsibility for a component within the circular economy: the reuse of products.
Artifort manufactures order-based. Due to customized purchasing, residual materials have been kept to a minimum. The minimum residual waste that is generated in the foam department is returned to the supplier for recycling as insulation material. Wood residual waste is shredded and recycled.
Residual fabrics or leather are being reused in items such as bags, key rings and mouse pads.



The packaging is exactly tailored for each product, using a minimal amount of

Artifort strives daily to deliver perfect products, made from exceptionally

packaging material. Moreover in this way the product is optimally packed and

high-quality materials. If, despite this, something goes wrong, we will

well protected during transport. The carriers that collaborate with Artifort give,

resolve the problem professionally. Artifort furniture is guaranteed for 5 years.

just as Artifort, high priority to durability. They aim at reducing the CO2-emmis-

Please visit to see the guarantee conditions.

sions through, among others, the use of cleaner engines (EURO VI), the effort in reducing fuel consumption, optimizing the loading space and optimal planning.

Dans la boutique

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