Ribbon Specifications En

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Pierre Paulin | 1966

Multiplex foot.
High gloss laquered in;

- Ral 3000 red

- Ral 9005 black

- Ral 9010 white

- Silvergrey
With plastic gliders.
Metal frame pasted over with webs and cutted foam.

Upholstery category: w

Ribbon models weight packing

F 582

P 582


Dans la boutique

Ribbon Specifications En
Ribbon Specifications En
20/08/2024 - www.artifort.com
Ribbon Pierre Paulin | 1966 Base: Multiplex foot. High gloss laquered in; - Ral 3000 red - Ral 9005 black - Ral 9010 white - Silvergrey With plastic gliders. Frame: Metal frame pasted over with webs and cutted foam. Upholstery: Upholstery category: w Ribbon models weight packing F 582 fauteuil 35kg 0,74m3 P 582 footstool 18kg 0,59m3 04-2023

Pala Giro EN
Pala Giro EN
20/08/2024 - www.artifort.com
Pala Giro Luca Nichetto | 2017 Armchair: Base: - Steel disc swivel base. - Powder coat structure. - Protective felt profile underneath base. Body: - Steel wire framework. - Covered with moulded foam. Upholstery: - Upholstery category uvw - Upholstery in two colours of one fabric is possible. (innerside/exterieur) 59 Pala armchair models swiveling width 76cm meterage 420cm weight 25,5kg packing 0,74m3 04-2023

Materialpassport MoulinLounge Withoutarms Artifort
Materialpassport MoulinLounge Withoutarms Artifort
20/08/2024 - www.artifort.com
ECO PRODUCT PASSPORT Moulin Lounge Pierre Paulin | Design 1958 - 2023 MATERIAL INDEX Based on Moulin Lounge without armrests. Total weight: 16 KG Upholstery | 26% Foam | 9% Steel / Stainless Steel | 46% Wood | 19% Other | < 1% REUSE WASTE MATERIALS AND RE-UPHOLSTERY POLICY Artifort aims for a sustainable economy in which materials are reused as much as possible in order to limit CO2-emissions. We do this by re-upholstering furniture, recycling waste materials, partnerships with certified suppliers...

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20/08/2024 - www.artifort.com
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01/06/2020 - www.mosa.nl
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12/09/2024 - www.robert-thebault.fr
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