Bulo Sales Conditions February 2023

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

General Conditions
This price list is valid as from 1st February 2023. It supersedes and replaces all previous price lists.
Images and descriptions in all catalogues and price lists are for reference only. Variations in structure and color may occur.
Bulo may change prices and/or change specifications of products and/or take products out of collection at any time.
Codes and prices are indicated in bold in this price list as a way of showing an example how to form codes and calculate prices.
Orders are accepted definitively as soon as they are confirmed in writing. Cancellations by the client are not accepted, barring certain exceptions agreed by Bulo in writing within 5 working days. An unpaid deposit invoice does not entitle the buyer to cancel
(part of) the order.
Bulo is not responsible if delivered goods do not comply with whichever legal, technical land coordinative aspect laid down by the country or region in which the products have been installed. Whether or not goods comply to whichever local regulaton is the sole responsibility of the buyer.
For small spare parts that can be sent in an envelope or small package, a transport- and administration cost of 30 Euro will be charged for delivery in Belgium
For orders less than 2500 Euro net excl. VAT, a transport cost of 100 Euro excl. VAT, will be charged for delivery in Belgium.
Exterior hoist not included, contact us for a quotation.
For small spare parts that can be sent in an envelope or small package, a transport- and administration cost of 40 Euro will be charged for delivery in Belgium's neighbouring countries (excl. UK). For UK and other countries the shipment costs depend on the delivery address. Contact us for a shipment quotation.
For orders with delivery address outside of Belgium, transport is ex-works (incoterm). However, a delivery by Bulo is possible in which case the transport costs will be charged, based on volume and delivery address, with a minimum of 190 Euro, excl. VAT.
Contact us for a shipment quotation.
When delivery ex-works, the liability for the goods is transferred from Bulo to the buyer from the moment the goods have left
Bulo's warehouse. We advise ex-works customers to insure products during transport.
For delivery by Bulo to a warehouse, the client will provide a warehouse address that complies with the following conditions:
easy access route and ample parking space for a truck with a 13,6 m long trailer. The truck will be without tailgate lift unless otherwise agreed by Bulo beforehand. A forklift truck has to be on site, as well as personnel to offload and take the goods inside.
Installation and waste disposal are not included. Delivery during regular working hours.
Delivery to a private house always in consultation with Bulo beforehand, subject to an upcharge.
In case Bulo is requested to deliver to the UK or to Switserland, Bulo can only offer transport on DAP basis (incoterm). Contact us for a shipment quotation.
Bulo carefully selected their standard materials and fabrics. If the customer wants to use materials outside of the standard collection, Bulo reserves the right to test COM or COL before accepting the order, and if not suited as upholstery to refuse the order. In case a sample chair or sofa needs to be produced to test the suitability of the COM or COL, this will be done in consultation with and after agreement of the client prior to production. The sample chair or sofa will be charged to the client.
With the use of COM or COL, even if Bulo accepted the order, there is no guarantee on the fabric or leather, its behavior on the chair or sofa after either short or long term use, nor on pilling or creasing. Our standard guarantee applies to the unupholstered parts of the product only. Bulo can not be held responsible for the fact that light colors tend to get dirty rather quickly.
Leather is a precious and valuable product. No two are alike. A variety of markings like healed scars and abrasions may be visible and are not considered defects but rather add to the character of the piece, reflecting its history.
All leather will stretch and form comfort creases as a result of being sat on. The effect is called puddling. Puddling occurs from the initial use period and generally does not continue beyond this, as the amount of stretch is directly related to the amount of compression. Puddling is not a fault with the leather; rather it is a good indication of quality manufacturing as large pieces of leather are used. The creases do not diminish the quality of leather upholstered furniture. It is a natural process.
Climate affects fabric just as it does wood. Heat, cold, humidity and sunlight contribute to fabric instability.
Jewelry, silverware, even a sharp pencil can mark the upholstery. It's important to keep sharp objects away from your furniture.
External dyeing caused by products with insufficient color fastness such as jeans, cannot be avoided

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