Luceplan Brochure Portable

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Light without boundaries

In the context of an increasingly fluid  home where there are no rigid distinctions between spaces, functions and uses,
portable rechargeable lamps have become a new necessity.
Light can be shaped and adapted for new needs: it accompanies us in the rituals of socializing and entertaining, in moments of smart working and relaxation.

For the first time, Luceplan presents two portable lamp models created precisely for this new area of demand, rechargeable units for indoor and outdoor use: Nui Mini, designed by
Meneghello Paolelli, and Flia, designed by Alessandro Zambelli.
These are two completely different solutions: Nui Mini is a table lamp with a reflecting glass base and a painted metal top which contains the light source, while Flia is a very slender but strong floor lamp in carbon fiber, whose head contains a powerful light source. Both lamps can be recharged like a smartphone.
Lamps that are ideal for use in the home, in living areas, on a desk, beside a sofa or a bed. And they can travel with lightness and elegance from one location to another, without ever failing in their function, offering extreme practicality of use.
They also fit right into outdoor situations, standing up to wear and weather. So they are also ideal for gardens, terraces, or outdoor cafés. Their outdoor versatility is a plus with respect to the central focus of the design, conceived to also enhance private or collective interiors with new nomadic and multifunctional luminous objects.


Light without boundaries


Nel contesto di una casa sempre più fluida , in cui non esistono più distinzioni rigide fra ambienti, funzioni e fruizioni,
le lampade portatili e ricaricabili sono diventate una necessità
nuova. La luce si plasma e adatta a nuove esigenze: ci accompagna nei riti della socialità e della convivialità, nello smart-working,
nei momenti di relax.

Luceplan presenta per la prima volta due modelli di luci portabili,
ricaricabili, in&outdoor: Nui Mini design Meneghello Paolelli e
Flia design Alessandro Zambelli pensate proprio per rispondere a questa nuova domanda. Due soluzioni completamente diverse: Nui Mini è una lampada da tavolo con base riflettente

Dans la boutique

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