Luceplan Brochure Outdoor

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Icons of light for outdoor spaces.

Icons of light for outdoor spaces.

Contemporary design trends are blurring indoor-outdoor boundaries. There are no longer clear distinctions or separations,
but a growing aesthetic and functional osmosis between two environmental situations. Clients and designers are expressing a growing need to think of outdoor spaces as a natural stylistic continuation of interiors. This aspect plays a role in the design of lighting products, which have to adapt to new requirements, transforming into multifunctional and nomadic objects.
In 2020 Luceplan has rounded out its collection of outdoor products. Thanks to this major expansion of the range and investment in the outdoor market, the company becomes a new player on the global scene for this sector.
The collection has grown, first of all, with the outdoor version of the Fienile series by Daniel Rybakken. As has also happened with Costanza, the reinterpretation of icons with new optical parts and materials formulated to stand up to weather moves in the direction of an increasingly nomadic approach, applied with the same forms in both indoor and outdoor settings.
In 2021 three new collections will be introduced: Nui and
Nui mini designed by Meneghello Paolelli Associati, and Flia designed by Alessandro Zambelli. Although with different creative processes, the collections share a single red thread, namely the accent on the concept of the hybrid, the mutual contamination of indoor and outdoor spaces. In particular, Nui mini and Flia address the theme of portability, granting consumers greater freedom to assign roles and functions to technical lighting products.
These products are conceived above all for protected outdoor areas  private residences, the gardens of apartment houses, open-air zones of hotels and resorts, green areas in office complexes  and interpret a philosophy of the brand and its products increasingly oriented towards interaction and juxtaposition of indoor-outdoor zones and lighting fixtures.
The Luceplan outdoor collection forms a continuum with the rest of the catalogue, which already contains other areas of specialization, from more decorative items for interiors to acoustic solutions.
As always, the values embodied by every Luceplan project, also in this new outdoor collection, are research and innovation in


Icons of light for outdoor spaces


terms of technology and image. Versatile products that can be harmoniously inserted in any context, from the most traditional to the most contemporary.
New icons of light for our outdoor spaces.
Nelle tendenze contemporanee del design, indoor e outdoor sfumano sempre più l'uno nell'altro. Non vi sono più separazioni e distinzioni nette, ma una crescente osmosi estetica e funzionale fra diversi ambienti. Vi è un crescente bisogno, tanto da parte dei clienti privati quanto dei progettisti, di concepire l'outdoor come una naturale continuazione stilistica degli spazi interni.
Questo aspetto si proietta nella progettazione stessa dei prodotti di illuminazione, che si devono adattare a nuove esigenze, trasformandosi in oggetti polifunzionali e nomadi.

Dans la boutique

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Luceplan Brochure Outdoor
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Icons of light for outdoor spaces. Icons of light for outdoor spaces. Contemporary design trends are blurring indoor-outdoor boundaries. There are no longer clear distinctions or separations, but a growing aesthetic and functional osmosis between two environmental situations. Clients and designers are expressing a growing need to think of outdoor spaces as a natural stylistic continuation of interiors. This aspect plays a role in the design of lighting products, which have to adapt to new requirements,...

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Contents 3 Light and acoustic comfort 5 All-in-one solutions 7 Diade 10 12 14 17 Chromatic Journey Technical specifications Application Technical data 22 24 26 29 Technical specifications Application Colors combination Technical data 36 38 41 42 Technical specifications Application Technical data Projects 54 56 58 61 62 Chromatic Journey Technical specifications Application Technical data Projects 19 Farel

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Zsuzsanna Horvath Illan Zsuzsanna Horvath Illan 1 ILLAN EN The idea of the lamp comes from experimentation with models of laser cutting applied to different materials. When sheets of paper and wood are cut geometrically, they take on new characteristics, suspended by the force of gravity. Translucency, flexibility and a delicate undulated movement are the distinctive characteristics of the Illan lamp. The simple concentric cutting motif shapes wood into a three-dimensional sculptural object that...

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Luceplan Catalogo Projects References
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NEW LANDMARKS NEW LANDMARKS PUBLIC SPACES 4 8 10 14 22 26 28 30 34 38 44 50 18 "e COMMERCIAL SPACES INDEX "e OFFICES 56 58 "e 64 60

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