20220808 Dk 049 002 Certifikat Uk

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EU Ecolabel
Ecolabelling Denmark

has awarded the EU Ecolabel licence number
DK/049/002 to:
Kvist Industries A/S
for the product group:
Criteria valid until 31-12-2026

for products according to Product Specification Annex

Denmark, 8 of August 2022
Ecolabelling Denmark
See product specification in standard contract

Director Martin Fabiansen

Dans la boutique

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Udstedt af: 2150 Nordhavn Oplysninger om licensindehaveren Firmanavn og adresse: Kvist Industries A/S CVR nummer: Telefon: (inkl. landekode) EAN: 22629115 +45 7677 4500 Producent Kontaktperson: Dorte Andersen Producent: Produktionssted: Kvist Industries A/S Oplysninger om licensen Gyldig t.o.m.: Licensnummer: Licensversion: 5031 0121 31 december 2025 5.7 Kriteriedokument: Gyldighedstid: 04 december 2020 - 31 december 2025 Kommentarer: Betegnelse og specifikation af varen/tjenesten...

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19/08/2024 - www.kvist.com
EU Ecolabel Certificate Ecolabelling Denmark has awarded the EU Ecolabel licence number DK/049/002 to: Kvist Industries A/S for the product group: Furniture Criteria valid until 31-12-2026 for products according to Product Specification Annex Denmark, 8 of August 2022 Ecolabelling Denmark See product specification in standard contract Director Martin Fabiansen

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