Esg Policy At Kvist 040423

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Environmental, Social and Governance policy at KVIST
Kvist Industries A/S (hereafter referred to as KVIST) is committed to operating a sustainable business that minimizes the environmental impact of our production and products by being proactive and engaged in our environmental efforts. At the same time, we take responsibility for our employees and the communities in which we operate. We constantly strive to question and implement improvements through innovative solutions found in collaboration between KVIST employees,
customers, suppliers, start-ups, students, and research projects.
KVIST has mapped its CO2 footprint in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and KVIST has set a goal to reduce the overall footprint.
We are committed to using sustainable materials and ensuring that all our wood supplies come from legal forestry and primarily use wood from certified forests. As an FSC® certified company, we will recommend the use of certified materials as standard.
We will transport our goods in an efficient and environmentally friendly way and use recyclable packaging wherever possible. We also aim to process our products as close to the origin of the materials as possible to minimize transportation and environmental impacts.
We will increase energy efficiency through changed behavior, energy optimization, use of new technologies to minimize meetings and travel, reuse of air and heat, and other efficient methods. We will use materials and energy wisely and ensure that production residues and waste are recycled or delivered for reuse. We will plan to prevent environmental accidents and minimize the use of materials and chemicals that may pose a risk to people or nature.
We take into account the entire life cycle in order to reduce the environmental impact now and in the future, both in the development of new products and in improving the quality of existing products to ensure that they have a long lifespan.

April 2023, FSC-C112576

We engage in open environmental dialogue internally and externally with our suppliers, partners, and organizations and maintain and develop our employees' environmental knowledge while increasing awareness of resource consumption through information and training. We have established a KVIST
Academy as a learning platform that ensures development and knowledge sharing and is intended to promote environmental considerations in all development and operational tasks and ensure safety in all processes.
KVIST uses collaborative committees with representatives whose purpose is to promote communication and ensure the contract between KVIST and employees. This is done through regular meetings, open and positive dialogue, as well as initiatives to improve the working environment and employees' skills. The collaborative committee works to create a good and healthy workplace for all employees at KVIST.
We have implemented a whistleblower scheme so that employees can report any concerns about the environment and safety without fear of reprisals. We take environmental and safety issues seriously and are willing to act if there are any problems.
We will continuously monitor and improve our environmental and safety efforts and strive to be a responsible company in all our activities.
We emphasize the importance of sustainable practices, which includes complying with all relevant legislations, policies, regulations, and standards. We recognize that being a responsible business means balancing risks and profits while also considering the impact of its operations on the environment. It's important to note that KVIST's commitment to responsible business practices goes

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