2017 Nexans Universal Registration Document

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

2017 registration








Presentation of the Group 
and its activities


1.1. Mission, businesses and markets8


Financial statements

5.1. Consolidated financial statements
5.2. Corporate financial statements



Information about the share 
capital and the ownership structure

6.1. Nexans share data238

1.2. Strategy


6.2. Share capital 240

Dans la boutique

2017 05 03 Pr Nexans Q1 2017
2017 05 03 Pr Nexans Q1 2017
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
PRESS RELEASE 2017 FIRST-QUARTER FINANCIAL INFORMATION ð· Organic sales growth of 1.2%1 (4.4% excluding the Oil & Gas sector). ð· Sales generated by submarine projects up 32% following production start-ups for two major projects (NordLink and Beatrice). ð· Strategic initiatives progress as planned. Paris, May 3, 2017  Today, Nexans announced that its sales for the first quarter of 2017 amounted to 1,570 million euros (versus 1,433 million euros for first-quarter 2016). At constant metal...

2017 11 07 Pr Nexans Q3 2017
2017 11 07 Pr Nexans Q3 2017
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
PRESS RELEASE 2017 THIRD-QUARTER FINANCIAL INFORMATION ð· Organic sales growth1 of 6.7%2 for the third quarter, led by submarine high-voltage operations; stable sales for non-project-related business (up 0.6% year on year) ð· Upturn in business in Europe and the Middle East/Africa region, offsetting weakness in America and for Oil & Gas sector activities ð· Growth for sales of cables to telecommunications operators (up 7.2%) but negative trends for LAN cables and systems (sales down 8.8%) Paris,...

09/04/2011 - www.nexans.com
LUNDI 25 JUIN 2007 Monday 25 June French experience in aluminium laminated screens, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France, in collaboration with EDF R&D, Silec Cable, Prysmian 400 kV 2500 mm2 XLPE cable system prequalifiaction and type test for Middle East environment, J. Matallana, F. Gahungu, M. Duvivier, D. Dubois, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France Large Projects of EHV underground cable sytems, K. Bjorlow-Larsen, Nexans Norway in collaboration with Prysmian, Brugg Kabel, NKT Cables, Silec Cable 87/150 (170)...

2020 07 29 Pr Nexans 2020 First Half Results
2020 07 29 Pr Nexans 2020 First Half Results
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
Press release, Paris, France 29th July 2020 Robust performance in challenging environment, engaged global team, walking the talk  on Nexans strategy Swiftly deployed Crisis Mode to protect employee's health & safety, while delivering Production Continuity Record Free Cash Flow enhanced by tight working capital management Robust performance reflecting superior execution, team engagement and customer satisfaction Transformation accelerated and reinforced Paving the way for a stronger New Nexans...

2020 05 07 Pr Nexans Q1 2020
2020 05 07 Pr Nexans Q1 2020
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
Press release, Paris, France 7th May 2020 Q1 2020 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Stable Group sales in unprecedented crisis Transformation program reinforced and implemented group-wide Paving the way for a stronger Nexans ð| ð| ð| ð| Standard sales of 1,569 million euros in the first-quarter 2020, representing organic growth of -0.1% year-on-year Strong backlog in Subsea (1.6 billion euros1) with no delays in project execution China back to full operations, Europe and North America impacted by partial...

2022 07 27 Nexans H1 2022 Financial Statements
2022 07 27 Nexans H1 2022 Financial Statements
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
The limited review procedures were carried out and the Statutory Auditors' report is being issued at the date of the results publication. 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6.1. Consolidated financial statements .................................................................................. 2 6.1.1. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 2 6.1.2. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME .............................................................................................

2024 07 24 Pr Nexans H1 2024 Earnings
2024 07 24 Pr Nexans H1 2024 Earnings
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
+6% organic growth and strong financial performance led by Electrification businesses in H1 2024 2024 guidance upgraded _PRESS RELEASE_ " " " " " " " " " H1 2024 standard sales of ¬3.5 billion (current sales of ¬4.2 billion), up +6.1% organically and Q2 2024 standard sales of ¬1.9 billion, up +9.4% organically Acceleration in Electrification businesses, up +14.1% organically in H1 2024, thanks to continued focus on value-added solutions Record adj. EBITDA of ¬412 million, up +16.4%...

2022 07 27 Pr Nexans H1 2022
2022 07 27 Pr Nexans H1 2022
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
PRESS RELASE _ NEXANS: RECORD-HIGH FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FULL-YEAR 2022 GUIDANCE UPGRADED " " " " " Record-high EBITDA, net income and ROCE performances, underpinned by strong momentum and Nexans' transformation platform The combination of transformation plan & strategic choices prove their efficiency & relevance: o The Amplify & SHIFT programs deliver an additional 25 million euro EBITDA impact o Outstanding high quality 2.2 billion euro adjusted Generation & Transmission backlog 1 up...

FR France Aldes Filtre F7 EasyVEC Compact 1000 11034419
FR France Aldes Filtre F7 EasyVEC Compact 1000 11034419
13/07/2024 - assets.aldes.fr
1 CONSOMMABLES CONSOMMABLES Filtre 11034419 Filtre F7 EasyVEC® Compact 1000 Description produit Les filtres permettent d'assainir l'air insufflé dans le bâtiment, ils sont disponibles en accessoires et doivent être ajoutés à l'intérieur du caisson filtre. Domaines d'application Locaux tertiaires Mise en oeuvre " à ajouter à l'intérieur du caisson filtre. Argumentaire référence " Accessoires pour changer la configuration des EasyVEC® non compact : piquages, grilles et bouchons...

TourEchaf DE
TourEchaf DE
13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
STÜTZEN SICHERHEIT | EINFACHHEIT | PRODUKTIVITÄT | INNOVATION DER GERÜSTTURM MIT INTEGRIERTER SICHERHEIT TourEchaf | Der Gerüstturm mit integrierter Sicherheit 2 STÜTZEN Die Entwicklung der französischen und europäischen Regelungen bezüglich der Türme hat Alphi dazu bewegt, sich bei der Entwicklung des neuen Gerüstturms an der Bauindustrie zu orientieren. Der TourEchaf ist durch seine einfache sichere Bedienbarkeit und das geringe Gewicht seiner Komponenten innovativ. Seine...

Mobalpa présente sa nouvelle collection de Cuisines 2009 : Généreuse, lumineuse, audacieuse !
Mobalpa présente sa nouvelle collection de Cuisines 2009 : Généreuse, lumineuse, audacieuse !
25/11/2010 - www.n-schilling.com
Mobalpa présente sa nouvelle collection de Cuisines 2009 : Généreuse, lumineuse, audacieuse ! En cette période incertaine, la cuisine se révèle plus que jamais lieu de plaisir, de partage et de convivialité. Elle devient le refuge où l'on mitonne les petits plats du quotidien comme des grandes occasions, où l'on reçoit, où l'on échange bien plus que des recettes, en un mot, où l'on vit. Témoignant d'une créativité sans cesse renouvelée pour satisfaire les attentes liées à ce nouvel...

Ds0492 Sh Joint Repair Guide Engfrsp La En
Ds0492 Sh Joint Repair Guide Engfrsp La En
22/09/2024 - cdnmdm.laticrete.com
Globally Proven Globally Proven Construction Solutions Construction Solutions Wire Joint Repair Guide On-Site Joint Repair Kit Guide for STRATA_HEAT!" Wire Warranty Disclaimer: This guide and the repair kit included have Heating Wire Construction been provided by LATICRETE, Inc. to aid in the repair of STRATA_HEAT!" Wire systems damaged on-site. LATICRETE cannot warranty the repair or guarantee the proper function of the heating system following a repair. LATICRETE recommends that all...

Energy Label DRE PLUS 80 54 EU
Energy Label DRE PLUS 80 54 EU
19/06/2024 - aosmithinternational.com
A.O. Smith DRE PLUS 80-54 XL A+ A B C D E F 4394 15 dB 2017 0 kWh/annum GJ/annum 812/2013 A.O. Smith DRE PLUS 80-54 XL A+ A B C D E F 4394 15 dB 2017 0 kWh/annum GJ/annum 812/2013

Schwenkbesen | Anbaugeräte - Bobcat.eu
Schwenkbesen | Anbaugeräte - Bobcat.eu
09/12/2014 - www.bobcat.eu
Schwenkbesen | Anbaugeräte Schwenkbesen | Technische Daten Standardmerkmale " " " " " " " Anwendungen Rechtsseitig bündig mit Bordsteinkante oder Mauer kehren Schwenkwinkeleinstellung per Tastendruck über Elektrosteuersatz, an Fahrerkabine montiert (separat erhältlich) Schwenkwinkel beim 48-Zoll-Schwenkbesen manuell dreistufig verstellbar Drehmomentstarker Motor für schweres Material Bewährte, auswechselbare Borstenringe Abstellständer zum Erhalt der Borstenform bei Nichtverwendung Besonders...