2017 11 07 Pr Nexans Q3 2017

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


ð· Organic sales growth1 of 6.7%2 for the third quarter, led by submarine high-voltage operations; stable sales for non-project-related business (up
0.6% year on year)

Upturn in business in Europe and the Middle East/Africa region, offsetting weakness in America and for Oil & Gas sector activities

ð· Growth for sales of cables to telecommunications operators (up 7.2%) but negative trends for LAN cables and systems (sales down 8.8%)
Paris, November 7, 2017  Today, Nexans announced that its sales for the third quarter of 2017 amounted to 1,544 million euros (versus 1,404 million euros for third-quarter 2016). At constant metal prices3, third-quarter sales came in at
1,109 million euros, representing year-on-year organic growth of 6.7%.
For the first nine months of 2017, sales came to 4,750 million euros at current metal prices and 3,444 million euros at constant metal prices, representing a 3.8% organic increase.
The general trends seen in the first half of the year continued into the third quarter:



High-voltage operations posted a sharp increase, with overall sales climbing
40% year on year on an organic basis (35% for the first nine months of 2017)
and sales of submarine cables surging 63% (46% for the first nine months).
Sales for non-project-related business  which contracted by 3% in the first half of the year  stabilized in the third quarter, edging up 0.6% on the comparable prior-year period. This was mainly due to the combined impact of growth in
Europe and the MERA region (where sales rose 4.1% and 27.1% respectively)
and ongoing weakness in North and South America (which posted sales declines of 7.4% and 19.2% respectively).
The downward sales trend for Oil & Gas sector activities slowed during the period, with the decrease coming in at 7.3% compared with 25.8% for the first nine months of 2017. This reflects the combined impact of a positive basis of comparison for umbilical cables and another sharp contraction in sales of industrial cables to South Korean shipyards (which led the sales decline reported by the industry segment).


Organic growth is defined as the difference between (i) standard sales for the current period of the current year (year Y)
calculated at constant non-ferrous metal prices, and (ii) standard sales for the same period of the previous year (year Y-1),
calculated at constant non-ferrous metal prices and applying the exchange rates prevailing in year Y and based on the year Y
scope of consolidation.

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