2018 07 26 Nexans Half Year Financial Report

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

2018 Half-Year

2018 Half-Year Financial Report
Significant events of first-half 2018


Operations during first-half 2018


Risk factors and main uncertainties


Related-party transactions


Condensed interim consolidated financial statements


Consolidated income statement


Consolidated statement of comprehensive income


Consolidated statement of financial position


Consolidated statement of changes in equity


Consolidated statement of cash flows


Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements


Dans la boutique

2017 11 07 Pr Nexans Q3 2017
2017 11 07 Pr Nexans Q3 2017
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
PRESS RELEASE 2017 THIRD-QUARTER FINANCIAL INFORMATION ð· Organic sales growth1 of 6.7%2 for the third quarter, led by submarine high-voltage operations; stable sales for non-project-related business (up 0.6% year on year) ð· Upturn in business in Europe and the Middle East/Africa region, offsetting weakness in America and for Oil & Gas sector activities ð· Growth for sales of cables to telecommunications operators (up 7.2%) but negative trends for LAN cables and systems (sales down 8.8%) Paris,...

09/04/2011 - www.nexans.com
LUNDI 25 JUIN 2007 Monday 25 June French experience in aluminium laminated screens, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France, in collaboration with EDF R&D, Silec Cable, Prysmian 400 kV 2500 mm2 XLPE cable system prequalifiaction and type test for Middle East environment, J. Matallana, F. Gahungu, M. Duvivier, D. Dubois, P. Mirebeau, Nexans France Large Projects of EHV underground cable sytems, K. Bjorlow-Larsen, Nexans Norway in collaboration with Prysmian, Brugg Kabel, NKT Cables, Silec Cable 87/150 (170)...

2022 04 27 Pr Nexans First Quarter 2022
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19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
PRESS RELASE _ A STRONG START TO THE YEAR, PAVING THE WAY TO NEXANS' FULL POTENTIAL " " " " " Strong and selective value growth across all businesses, setting a robust basis for the year 2022 guidance confirmed Successfully managing a challenging environment - Auto-harness Ukraine units maintained at 85% capacity in Q1, now back to 100% Implementing the 2022-2024 Winds of change   reorganized businesses around six segments Completion of the Centelsa acquisition in Colombia early April ~~~ o o o o o o o Standard...

2020 07 29 Nexans Half Year Financial Report
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19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
2020 HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT NEXANS | 2020 HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT 1 Contents 2020 HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT 1. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OF FIRST-HALF 2020 .................................................................................................. 3 1.1 1.2 2. COVID-19 - CONSEQUENCES ON OPERATIONS, RESULTS AND FINANCING ........................................................... 3 ASSET DISPOSAL PROGRAMS ..............................................................................................................................

2023 10 25 Pr Nexans 2023 Third Quarter Financial Information
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19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
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" " " " " " Organic growth +5.1% -0.6% EBITDA margin (%)(2) 9.1% 10.7% 1 2 3 !’ !’ !’ !’ !’ !’ !’ !’ !’ !’ !’ !’ !’ !’ !’

2021 07 28 Presentation Nexans H1 Earnings
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19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
This presentation contains forward-looking statements which are subject to various expected or unexpected risks and uncertainties that could have a material impact on the Company's future performance. Readers are also invited to visit the Group's website where they can view and download the 2020 annual results press release as well as the 2020 financial statements and Nexans Universal Registration Document, which includes a description of the Group's risk factors. NB: any discrepancies are due...

2020 05 07 Pr Nexans Q1 2020
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19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
Press release, Paris, France 7th May 2020 Q1 2020 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Stable Group sales in unprecedented crisis Transformation program reinforced and implemented group-wide Paving the way for a stronger Nexans ð| ð| ð| ð| Standard sales of 1,569 million euros in the first-quarter 2020, representing organic growth of -0.1% year-on-year Strong backlog in Subsea (1.6 billion euros1) with no delays in project execution China back to full operations, Europe and North America impacted by partial...

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P L A N C H E R P E R F O R M A N T UNE SUPER PRÉ - DALLE ! Le plancher ONDAL est constitué de dalles en béton précontraint ondulées en surface, solidarisées par des clefs en béton coulées sur le chantier (sans coffrage en sous-face). Il présente une épaisseur de 13 à 21 cm sur les parties concaves et de 9 à 17 cm sur les parties convexes. Dalle de compression avec treillis soudé Clef en béton coulé sur le chantier CARACTÉRISTIQUES " Plancher plein en béton précontraint "...

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La VMC double flux, seul syste'me de ventilation soutenu par MA PRIME RE'NOV' : les appareils de ventilation Zehnder sont e'ligibles a' ce nouveau dispositif
La VMC double flux, seul syste'me de ventilation soutenu par MA PRIME RE'NOV' : les appareils de ventilation Zehnder sont e'ligibles a' ce nouveau dispositif
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WK065 kallysta - Hager
WK065 kallysta - Hager
09/02/2012 - www.hager.fr
¢ Variateur rotatif universel § Universal rotary switch dimmer £ Universal-Drehdimmer 6W 5112.b Notice d'instructions User instructions Bedienungsanleitung WK065 kallysta Montage / Assembly / Montage Raccordement / Connection / Anschluss L N WK065 Fonctionnement / Working principle / Funktionsprinzip 1 Caractéristiques techniques / Technical characteristics / Technische Daten Tension d'alimentation Supply voltage Versorgungsspannung Protection Protection Schutz Capacité des bornes Connection...