2019 07 24 Presentation Nexans 2019 Half Year

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

2019 Half Year Results

London, 24th July 2019

Safe Harbor
This presentation contains forward-looking statements which are subject to various expected or unexpected risks and uncertainties that could have a material impact on the Company's future performance.

The uncertain economic and political environments in the United States and Europe, with the risk of growth being slowed by potential major changes in US trade policy on one side of the Atlantic and the possible consequences of Brexit on the other.


The impact of protectionist trade policies (such as those implemented by the current US government), as well as growing pressure to increase local content requirements.


Geopolitical instability, particularly in certain countries or regions such as Qatar, Libya and Lebanon and the Persian/ Arabian Gulf.


Political and economic uncertainty in Brazil and in Turkey, which is affecting the building market and major infrastructure projects as well as creating exchange rate volatility and an increased risk of customer default.


A marked drop in non-ferrous metal prices resulting in the impairment of Core exposure, not having an impact on cash or operating margin, but impacting net income.


The impact of growing inflationary pressure, particularly on commodities prices (resins, steel,) and labor costs, which could affect competitiveness depending on the extent to which they can be passed on to customers in selling prices.


The sustainability of high growth rates and/or market penetration in segments related to datacenters, to the development of renewable energy (wind and solar farms, interconnectors, etc.) and to transport.


The rapidity and extent of market take up of LAN cables and systems in the USA and the Group's capacity to seize opportunities relating to the very fast development of data centers.


The risk that the sustained growth expected on the North American automotive markets and on the global electric vehicle market does not materialize.


Fluctuating oil and gas prices, which are leading Oil & Gas sector customers to revise their exploration and production capex programs at short notice. The considerable uncertainty about the implementation of these customers' capex programs also creates uncertainty about the confirmation of cable orders booked by the Oil & Gas segment.


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