2019 05 02 Pr Nexans Q1 2019

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


" Consolidated sales for first quarter 2019: 1,664 million euros, up +7.7%1 on an organic basis compared to first quarter 2018
" +10.1% organic sales growth for cable and wire activities2, reflecting a buoyant start to the year
" A sharp -8.0% contraction in sales for the High Voltage & Projects segment, reflecting low industrial workloads for land high voltage projects
(with sales down -21.1% for that sector), and a -2.4% sales decline in the submarine sector due to the impact, as expected, of project scheduling
" On-schedule progress for the New Nexans  plan, with the rollout of the
SHIFT transformation program
Paris La Défense, May 2, 2019  Today, Nexans announced that its sales for the first quarter of 2019 amounted to 1,664 million euros (versus 1,538 million euros for first quarter 2018). At constant metal prices3, first quarter sales came in at
1,110 million euros, representing year-on-year organic growth of +7.7%.
The order book has been healthy since the beginning of the year, and sales performances for the Group's various businesses were as follows during the period:
" The Building & Territories segment continued on the same upward trend as in late 2018, registering organic growth of +14.5%. Sales of low-voltage cables for the building sector jumped +17.0%, with all geographic regions contributing to the increase. Sales of cables and accessories to energy operators followed the same growth pattern, up +11.8% on an organic basis.
" The High Voltage & Projects segment retreated -8.0% in first quarter 2019,
weighed down by low sales in the land high voltage business (in January 2019
the Group announced its plan to close the Hanover site).
" The Telecom & Data segment posted +7.2% growth, led by brisk momentum in the telecom infrastructure market (+16.1% sales increase) and, to a lesser degree, by an upswing in sales of submarine specialty cables (+7.2% increase).
Sales of LAN cables and systems struggled to pick up, however, slipping -0.6%,
as the recovery in the United States only partially offset the lower volumes seen in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.


The first quarter 2019 sales figure used for like-for-like comparisons corresponds to sales at constant non-ferrous metal prices adjusted for the effects of exchange rates and changes in the scope of consolidation. Exchange rates and changes in the scope of consolidation impacted sales at constant non-ferrous metal prices by a positive +5 million euros and a negative -2 million euros respectively.
2 The cable and wire activities include all the businesses except High Voltage & Projects.
3 To neutralize the effect of fluctuations in non-ferrous metal prices and therefore measure the underlying sales trend, Nexans also calculates its sales using constant prices for copper and aluminum.

Nexans  2019 First Quarter Financial Information - Page 1/8

" Lastly, sales of industrial cables rose +1.9%, with automotive harnesses up
+4.5% and other industrial cables edging up +0.1%. Sales of cables for the mining, automation and wind turbine sectors remained solid during the period.

Commenting on the Group's first quarter 2019 performance, Christopher Guérin,

Dans la boutique

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