2021 02 17 Consolidated Accounts 2020

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

The audit procedures were carried out and the Statutory Auditors' report is being issued at the date of the results publication.


1.1. Consolidated financial statements ................................................................................... 2
1.1.1. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT .............................................................................................................................2
1.1.2. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME................................................................................................ 3
1.1.3. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.4. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY ........................................................................................................ 6
1.1.5. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS .................................................................................................................. 7
1.1.6. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ..................................................................................................... 8


The audit procedures were carried out and the Statutory Auditors' report is being issued at the date of the results publication.

1.1. Consolidated financial statements

1.1.1. Consolidated income statement

(in millions of euros)




1.E.a, 3 and 4



Cost of sales






Administrative and selling expenses

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