2020 07 29 Nexans Consolidated Financial Statements

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

The limited review procedures were carried out and the Statutory Auditors' report is being issued.

Consolidated income statement
(in millions of euros)



3 and 4

First-half 2020

First-half 2019








Administrative and selling expenses



R&D costs








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2020 07 29 Nexans Consolidated Financial Statements
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19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
The limited review procedures were carried out and the Statutory Auditors' report is being issued. Consolidated income statement (in millions of euros) Notes NET SALES(1) 3 and 4 First-half 2020 First-half 2019 2,953 3,432 (2,623) (3,040) GROSS PROFIT 330 392 Administrative and selling expenses (206) (231) R&D costs (41) (48) 3 83 113 (3) 2

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