2021 02 17 Presentation 2020 Nexans Fy Results

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

This presentation contains forward-looking statements which are subject to various expected or unexpected risks and uncertainties that could have a material impact on the
Company's future performance.

 Geopolitical and political instability, particularly in certain countries, cities or regions such as Qatar, Libya,
Lebanon, Iraq, the
Persian/Arabian Gulf, Hong
Kong, Ivory Coast and Nigeria;

 The instability of banking
Readers are also invited to visit system in Lebanon and the Group's website where uncertainties on the Lebanese they can view and download pound;
the 2020 annual results press
 The impact that the release as well as the 2020
coronavirus pandemic and the financial statements and adoption by State authorities,
Nexans Universal Registration in many countries around the
Document, which includes a world, of national restrictive description of the Group's risk measures (including prolonged factors.
measures to control the
In addition to the risk factors described in Section 3.1 of the
2020 Universal Registration
Document, the uncertainties for 2021 mainly include:

business prospects, operating profit and financial position;

 The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the aeronautic industry which has
 The increase in credit risk in

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