2021 11 03 Pr Nexans Financial Information Q3 2021

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :



Steady sales growth despite challenging supply chain environment
2021 guidance confirmed
First M&A milestone of Nexans 2022-2024 strategic ambition to Electrify the Future o

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+8.2% year-on-year standard1 revenue organic growth2 in the first nine months of 4,494 million euros, reflecting dynamic recovery and selective growth in line with SHIFT transformation and despite challenging supply chain environment. In the third quarter, Group standard sales up +0.4%
compared to third quarter 2020 at 1,382 million euros
Current sales land at 5,448 million euros in the first nine months of the year, up +27.2% alongside copper price inflation
Successful monitoring of supply chain challenges with no material margin impact due to raw material shortage and cost inflation
Demand drives healthy backlog growth (+9% year-on-year) across all businesses; with Subsea
High-Voltage adjusted backlog at 1.5 billion euros 3
Nexans Aurora inauguration and Charleston US high voltage plant commissioned to support the energy transition.
Nexans 2022-2024 strategic ambition to Electrify the Future: groundwork initiated with the agreement to acquire Centelsa in Colombia4
Confirmed 2021 guidance5 supported by selective sales growth, fixed costs reductions and SHIFT
Performance program achievements

Paris, November 3, 2021

Today, Nexans published its financial information for the third quarter of 2021.

Commenting on the Group's achievements, Christopher Guérin, Nexans' Chief Executive Officer, said:
Nexans confirms its solid trajectory and topline momentum supported by new value creation levers around its mission: Electrify the future. Thanks to our amplified solutions, we have initiated our strategic ambition
2022-2024 and reached first successes as our backlog is steadily up year-on-year and we confirm our 2021
financial guidance upgraded in July. Nexans has a sound and clear roadmap to become the Pure player of
Electrification. In the last weeks, we have:
1. Inaugurated with our key stakeholders our new vessel Nexans Aurora, an important enabler to build a safer, more sustainable and inclusive global energy system. This leading-edge vessel will contribute to unlocking the huge potential of offshore renewable energy and subsea interconnection alongside our unique subsea cable manufacturing plant in Charleston, USA.

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