2022 07 29 Nexans Half Year Financial Report

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :



UPDATE ON THE 2022-2024 STRATEGIC PLAN WINDS OF CHANGE  ..............................................................................2


FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................................................3


2022 OUTLOOK ...............................................................................................................................................................7


RISK FACTORS .................................................................................................................................................................7


RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS ....................................................................................................................................8


FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ................................................................................................................................................9
6.1. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 10
6.1.1. Consolidated income statement ................................................................................................................................ 10
6.1.2. Consolidated statement of comprehensive income ................................................................................................... 11
6.1.3. Consolidated balance sheet ....................................................................................................................................... 12
6.1.4. Consolidated statement of changes in equity............................................................................................................ 13
6.1.5. Consolidated statement of cash flows ....................................................................................................................... 14
6.1.6. Notes to the consolidated financial statements ........................................................................................................ 15
NOTE 1. Summary of significant accounting policies ........................................................................................................... 16
NOTE 2. Significant events of the period ............................................................................................................................. 18
NOTE 3. Operating segments............................................................................................................................................... 19
NOTE 4. Revenue from contracts with customers ............................................................................................................... 21
NOTE 5. Other operating income and expenses .................................................................................................................. 22
NOTE 6. Net asset impairment ............................................................................................................................................ 22
NOTE 7. Other financial income and expenses ................................................................................................................... 24
NOTE 8. Income taxes ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
NOTE 9. Earnings per share ................................................................................................................................................. 26
NOTE 10. Goodwill ............................................................................................................................................................... 26
NOTE 11. Equity.................................................................................................................................................................. 28
NOTE 12. Pensions, retirement bonuses and other long-term benefits ............................................................................. 29
NOTE 13. Provisions ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
NOTE 14. Net debt ............................................................................................................................................................... 31
NOTE 15. Disputes and contingent liabilities ..................................................................................................................... 34
NOTE 16. Subsequent events.............................................................................................................................................. 36

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